It is Wednesday My Dude

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y/n's pov

Yes, I said that.

I told Tom Holland he was cheesy.

However, I was secretly freaking out, we had only met an hour before, and he felt like we had known each other forever. It was honestly just crazy sitting in the same room with him, let alone laying on his bed, just the two of us.

I was just trying to keep a giant grin off of my face. I was probably just dreaming, I would wake up at some point or another, waking up in the Airbnb, or at home, eager to go to the airport.

"But seriously," I say after a few seconds. "I feel the same way, I feel like I could tell you anything and you'd listen. But, I would never be able to imagine myself in this situation, who knew that normal kid Y/n L/n would be where I am right now."

"What situation, Y/n?" Tom asked.

"Well, you just told me, you feel like we've known each other forever, which I find crazy, because it's you, and we've only known each other for like an hour. And according to my brother, I'm obsessed with you- which no, I'm not denying-"

Tom burst out into laughter, my joining along, confirming further that we acted as though we had been friends for a long time.

"But now," I continued after I calmed down. "we're somehow friends, I'm not sure how it happened, but I'm for sure not complaining about it."

Tom just stares at me, like he's trying to figure me out, I try to figure him out as well, I stare into his deep brown eyes, trying to read them.

We sit like that for a while, until Tom finally speaks up, "I would never think that I could make such a close friend. For only knowing them an hour and I certainly wouldn't have thought it would happen in the manner that it did. But, I wouldn't change anything, because I know you, Darling."

My heart flutters when he calls me "Darling", it's the accent that gets me, it's just so perfect.

"Do you want to look around the boat?" Tom asks me after a bit longer.

"I would love to, just remember, your name is Tanner L/n," I reply with a wink.

He nods with his signature smile.

That smile will be the death of me, I swear, I thought as we left his room.

We took the elevator to the sixteenth floor, which was not very interesting, it was just for people to sit and sunbathe.

We walk over to the seventeenth floor, the floor with the teen hangout,

I didn't want to go there.

You see, I can't talk to people, it's just something I can't do- well, except for Tom, but I'm not sure how that happened.

"The teens club is here," I tell Tom, all emotion left my voice.

He furrowed his eyebrows, "One, it's Tanner, and Two, why don't you want to go in?"

I sighed, taking hold of his arm, taking him somewhere private, then taking a deep breath.

"Well, one, Tom is your nickname, remember?"

Tom flushed from embarrassment, with a look of "oh yeah" on his face, then awkwardly nodded, telling me to carry on.

"Second, I'm not a people person, remember," I said. "I avoid people like the plague if possible."

He gives me another strange look.

He still thinks I'm Y/n L/n, the girl who can just talk to Tom Holland, therefore making her the best people person in the world.

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