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Y/n's pov

"Okay okay," David said, as we sat down going through the lyrics. "You, Y/n, are going to sing these words-" he pointed at the words he had bolded, then pointing to the words that had been italicized "-these are mine, and the ones that are both bolded and italicized, that's both of us."

"Got it," I said, laughing. "I'm not stupid, David."

"I know," David replied, rolling his eyes, "just wanted to make sure you understood."

That's when Kylee laughed from across the room.

"I'm so glad I didn't enter this competition," she snorted. "It would be too stressful, besides, I would not be able to work with someone else."

"You also are horrible at singing," David said jokingly, although he wasn't completely wrong.

"Thanks, Dave," Kylee replied, rolling her eyes, letting us get back to practicing.

That's what we did for about an hour, which was interesting to say the least, as David and I kept going into fits of laughter.

"Never ending story-" I sang, not being able to keep my laughter in.

Tom had made a face from across the room, and my standards of humor had gone down within the last hour since I had laughed so much.

It didn't help that Tom was now doing it on purpose, and he showed no sign of stopping, which was a problem.

"What are you laughing at, Darling?" he asked as if he didn't know what was happening.

"You know what I'm laughing at, Thomas," I said regaining my composure, glaring at him.

"Tom," David said, raising an eyebrow, "I think you need to leave the room. Y/n can't get anything done with you around, meaning I can't get anything done as well. That, that is very problematic."

"Sorry," Tom said sheepishly. "How about we go get something to eat?"

"Yes," I said standing up, "I'm starving."

David shook his head, saying, "Y/n, you're always hungry."

I rolled my eyes, "Yeah, and?"

"Stop acting like kids," Kylee sighed, standing up, walking over to the door, "let's just go."

I grinned racing over so I could talk to Kylee as we walked.

*time skip brought to you by the fact i can't shut up about harry potter*

David and I stood backstage, warming up, we were to go and perform soon, and we were both nervous. The good thing was, we had each other, so we would be fine while we performed.

While we were warming up, my eyes trailed to see two teenagers, a girl and a boy, who looked to be about Dylan's age, looking stressed. So, I went over there to check on them, knowing exactly how they were feeling.

"Are you two doing okay?" I asked.

The two teens raised an eyebrow looking at me. I could tell they were looking to see if I had any ulterior motives.

"We know you just want to put us down," the girl said cautiously.

"Why would I want to do that?" I asked, confused. "I just wanted to see if you guys were doing well since it didn't look like it."

"We know it's just an act," the boy said. "The girl who sang 'Cheap Thrills' did the same, and then made fun of us."

"Olivia?" I asked, and they nodded. "Oh, well, she doesn't like me, so you're good. I just wanted to see if you were okay since I know what you're going through. I've performed in front of many people, and I still get nervous before every performance."

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