Lmao No

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Y/n's pov

We were sitting on another tour bus, on our way to Pisa.

Tom had decided to wake the two of us up at five in the morning. He claimed it would be good for us, that we could be more awake to sightsee.

One thing he didn't think of; we were going to be sitting on a bus for a couple of hours.

So, here I was, sitting on a bus, Tom Holland asleep right next to me, his head on my shoulder.

The only logical thing for me to do now was, take pictures of him and send them to everyone on the Marvel group chat.


Iron Dad
Y/n, I love those
But I don't think Tom will think the same

Oh- I know

Thunder Chris
I did that once...
on the filming of "Heart of the Sea"
I can tell you this, he hated it
In fact, he even jumped on me after

I don't think he'll jump on me

Tom moved a bit.

The other Olsen
That is true
I don't know if you've been able to tell
But Tom really likes you

I felt my cheeks heat up, thinking about the night before, but there was no way I was going to say anything about it. I loved everyone in the group chat, but I didn't know how much I would enjoy what would happen after.

Lmao I don't think that'll stop him

Do you have a juice box?

Space Chris
Anthony, why would she need juice?

Not for her
For Tom

Yeah... I don't think I have juice

Tom then woke up, smiling at me before checking his phone.

Princess Tom ❤️
You guys talk a lot

Tom then scrolled up seeing the pictures, then turning to me, an amused expression on his face.

"What are these for?" he asked, sounding disappointed in me, despite his facial expression.

I just smiled sweetly. "You looked cute, so I had to capture the moment," I answered.

He grumbled something under his breath, then turned back to his phone.

Iron dad
Tom, you're not allowed to kill Y/n

Princess Tom ❤️
Why would I do that?

He hasn't seen the picture has he

Nope, he saw them

The other Olsen
I told you he wouldn't do anything

Princess Tom ❤️
Of course, I didn't do anything

The other Olsen
See Hemsworth, what did I say?

Princess Tom ❤️
We're on a bus so that would be awkward

Thunder Chris
See Olsen, what did I say?

Nevermind them
What did I say?
Tom needs a juice box

Princess Tom ❤️
No, no I don't

I would love to chat more
But I need to take some photos

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