3: You're Welcome

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"Now what do I do with you Selene?" Keir whispered, his eyes groggily scanned Selene's face.

"Umm..." Her throat went dry. Partly because of the cuts on her neck but mostly, it was their closeness.

Even though she was close to him a couple of times by now, she could see him clearly.

His eyes were dark, probably darker than the sky outside. His hair was a shade lighter than jet black but still looked dark, complimenting his eyes.

His skin was a total contrast to his eyes, a medium rose shade with high cheekbones and light stubble on his diamond cutter jawline.

Those lips though! Selene thought.

It was mesmerising how having just the black and rose colours on a face could make someone so enigmatic.

What surprised her even more was, on a closer look no one can really guess the monster hiding underneath that perfect skin.

Speaking of monsters!

Selene jumped back into reality and mentally cursed to herself for checking out a serial killer. He smirked at her knowing too well that she zoned out into his charm.

"Ahem!" Both Keir and Selene turned to the direction of the sound.

Selene completely forgot that there's a six foot two inch, muscle man named Drake who not to forget is a serial killer with ethics, standing right there watching them, probably waiting for them to make out.

Selene's reflexes kicked in and her immediate reaction was to pull back which was a bad idea since the knife was still stuck in her chain. The thin chain around her neck dug into her cuts, reminding her that it hurts. She winced and shut her eyes to block the pain.

Keir's eyes travelled to her neck, he felt the slightest ever guilt in years for being responsible for that. He pulled out the knife from her chain and retrieved back, turning his full attention to his friend.

"Dude, thanks for today man. I had fun. I should get going, my wife would be waiting for me." Drake gave a bro handshake to Keir, who didn't look much enthusiastic in such gestures but did it for his friend's sake.

Selene turned her head in a sharp right angle, when she heard what he said. "Your wife?! " She yelled probably a bit louder than necessary.

Both men turned to her, she wore an expression like she heard the most controversial thing ever.

Drake who obviously did not get the mock beneath her expression, gave a chuckle and answered, "Yeah I might not look old enough to be married but I do have a lovely wife." He completed with a proud smile.

Selene's head hurt like it was about to explode. It was a shocker for her that this serial killer had a wife who he thinks is lovely and out of all, she is alive and breathing.

Selene gave him the most awkward smile that she could muster up, hoping not to hurt his feelings and end up dead like Will.

"Bye, Kay-Kay. Bye Selena!" He waved at them and Selene stopped the urge to burst out laughing at Keir's nickname.

"It's Keir and her name is Selene," Keir deadpanned.

"Yeah, yeah. Whatever."

They slowly walked out. Selene could still hear them talking outside the door as the area she was brought to was as silent as a cemetery.

"So what are you going to do with her?" She heard Drake's muffled voice.

After a long silence, Keir answered, "I don't know I think I might keep her for a while."

Selene's eyes were now as wide as an UFO, she had no desire to stay and know what he meant by that.

The knife on the table got her attention. She wasted no time and jerked her chair to the table. Once she was close enough she grabbed the knife between her teeth. The cuts on her neck started bleeding again by that action but she ignored the pain.

She straightened up and released the knife from her teeth and caught it between her tied hands.

She bent down and tried her best to cut down the ropes on her legs first and fortunately they gave away.

Just when she was about to cut the ropes around her hands, the shed door opened and came in walking, the devil himself.

His signature smirk fell off once he understood what she was trying to do. Rage entered and exited as fast as wind, replaced by the same smirk again.

"Oh, Selene, Selene." He took slow steps towards her.

"I'm not staying here to watch what you have in store for me. You've got your kill, now let me go." For the first time in a few hours, Selene talked in a calm but demanding way. Yelling did no good for her.

Keir smiled at her, a dead smile, "You could have just asked me that, you know. Stealing knives and doing things on your terms is not good," He spoke as if talking to a kid. He slowly untied her hands from the death grip of the ropes.

Selene's eyebrows scrunched up trying to understand where he was going with this. Her hands were free now but she couldn't move them. Apprehension set in thinking of what he would do if she started sprinting to the door.

"You might cut yourself, Selene," He said, running his pale fingers along the cuts on her neck.

Selene's blood boiled with indignation at his reference to the cuts on her skin. He drove her crazy for using her name over and over again, it infuriated her to the core.

"Get off me!" She yelled and pushed him back with her newly independent hands.

She heard him chuckle but Selene cared less and sprinted to her door of freedom. But he didn't follow her.

She jerked open the door and stopped in her tracks after seeing the view before her.

"I was gonna say bad idea but you've already done it, soo..." She heard Keir trail off behind her.

Selene took a shaky breath, "Where am I?" she questioned watching the never ending suburban deserted lands staring back at her.

There's no way she could outrun him or hide where you could see everything up to the half a mile radius. If she acts on her instincts and runs she could fall into a deeper hole than she is now.

Suddenly she felt his presence behind. Keir dipped his head to her ear level and lightly placed his chin on her shoulder.

"Wrong question, darling. What am I supposed to do, is more like it." He replied to her previous question.

His hot breath from behind mixed with her panicked ones. She found no humor in his words nor his games.

She hoped that someone would notice that she was missing and would come searching for her in this no man's land.

That reminded her of her phone, Haden would track her if she does not report back about her meeting with clients in due time.

She slowly walked in trailing behind Keir, discreetly tapping her jacket and jeans pockets for her phone.

"If you are searching for your phone, I switched it off and kept it in a safe place." He passed her a fake smile.

Selene released a breath knowing that at least her location was on.

But her bubble burst shortly, "Oh! Also I switched off your location tracking in the parking lot."

"What?!" Selene exclaimed.

Keir turned to her and gave a painstakingly sweet smile before opening his mouth to say,

"You're welcome, love."


Woohoo! Selene is officially stuck with him (or not 😉)

What do you think of Drake and his 'lovely wife'

Selene's reaction was legit, wasn't it?

And don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts. ⭐


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