15: The Right Justice

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"Excited for your first day?" Keir asked, turning to her.

He leaned over her car, taking a deep puff from his cigarette and blowing out the smoke. Selene was passive smoking from it, as a result of their proximity.

"I've cleaned up your messes before. So don't mind me for not being  thrilled." She snapped.

He studied her face for a moment with his calculative eyes while taking another puff of his cigarette. A side smirk started to play on his pink lips, as the smoke escaped out of them.

"What?" Selene frowned at the way he was looking at her.

He gazed at her for a few more seconds before turning away, wordlessly.

Selene crossed her arms over her chest. She was getting impatient minute by minute.

"How long are we going to wait?" asked Selene.

"As long as the victim walks over there." With his cigarette butt, he pointed at the strip of pedestrian crossover between the two buildings.

"That's oddly specific," She said glancing at the street before turning to him, "And since when do you smoke?"

"Since 'none of your business'," He answered nonchalantly.

Keir took the last puff and put it off on the ground. He released the smoke that he was holding in his mouth while some of it came out of his nose, making him look like a big bad bull.

Selene observed a thing or two when Keir pulled on his psychopathic persona.

He doesn't talk and humour when he is around his kill. His hands tremor slightly with excitement which he fails at covering. His eyes adapt the darkest shade of black. Lastly he has the most sick and menacing smile she has ever seen.

It is obvious that Selene didn't like this side of him. As annoying as he is as a charmer, she likes his talkative and irritating side more than this edgy and psychotic killer one.

She wondered which was real, the charmer or the psycho.

Selene looked back to the street where he pointed, asking herself why that particular street.

"What about that guy? Do you want to kill him?" Selene elbowed Keir to grab his attention.

He swiftly looked at the street and narrowed his eyes at the walking person. He shook his head, "No."

"What?" Selene whispered to herself, watching the man walk away from their sight.

In the next five minutes, another person walked over the street.

"How about that one?" She asked but regretted it soon when the silhouette flicked it's long hair.

Keir looked at the woman strutting with her heels, it didn't take him a second to answer, "No."

Selene released a breath that she was holding. She wouldn't forgive herself if she was responsible for that woman's murder in the hands of a sick killer.

Selene decided to shut her mouth from now on. If she pushed him too far, they'll be two murders tonight. This time she'll be dead, for good.

They were silent for the next quarter hour, each of them deep in their own thoughts. Selene's thoughts drifted to Haden, thinking about the ways to keep him oblivious about her side business with Keir.

As for Keir, he was pondering over the ways to kill his next victim, so that he wouldn't get caught by the cops. Again.

Last time he got caught was five years ago. The cops didn't know who they were dealing with, he wasn't a renowned killer back then.

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