34: The Biggest Mistake

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With quick, large steps Selene and Shana came out of that mansion.

For some reason, Selene had a feeling that some men might come running after them with guns.

Once they were almost at the end of the street. A car screeched beside them with a sudden halt.

Their already pumping hearts, first came to a stop at the sight of a car and then pumped faster with double speed.

The dark window rolled down and revealed the man driving it.

"KEIR! What the fuck are you doing here?" Selene yelled and glared at him.

"You can give me death glares all the way to home but first, get in the car." He deadpanned.

"I'll take the offer!" Shana huffed and entered the car.

With an angry frown plastered on her face, Selene got in and sat beside him.

He started the engine and zoomed off before any of the guards got suspicious by a strange car in their street.

"What are you doing here?" She gritted once they were back on the safe road.

"I came here to pick you up." Keir answered casually.

"Now why would you do that?! You know how dangerous that area is." Selene waved her hands in air frustrated.

"I know, which was why I wanted to make sure you are safe." He argued.

Shana looked back and forth between the two from the back seat. She never thought she would watch her friend argue with her boyfriend and especially when her boyfriend is a psychopath.

Ex- psychopath, She corrected herself.

Selene twisted her mouth in annoyance, "Keir, after all that charade the only thing that'll help me is that I know you are safe."

"Don't talk to me like that!" He glared at her. His angry darkness filled eyes still scaring her a little.

"You are doing everything for us. And I'm doing nothing." He gritted, "It makes me feel useless."

Selene sighed, calming herself down. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to babysit you. I just want you to be safe."

"And in the same way I want your safety." He sighed, releasing air out of his mouth slowly.

They both took an awkward glance at Shana, for facing the situation after everything she went through in the treasury.

Shana gave a toothy smile. "Please. Continue. Pretend like I'm not here." She leaned into the seat and winked at her friend.

Keir cleared his throat to change the subject, "You got the evidence?"

"Almost died of asphyxia but yes." Shana's voice answered his question.

Keir took a concerned look at Selene to which she smiled thinly and glared at Shana when he turned away.

"We will head to headquarters. The sooner the evidence goes there the sooner this shit is off our backs." Selene spoke.

But decided to add more, "But you are not driving us there. Drop us off at home first." She demanded.

Keir opened his mouth to argue but Selene cut him off.

"I swear to devil, Keir if you come there-"

"Okay! Okay! I won't." He agreed before she could finish his words.

Selene huffed and folded her arms across her chest.

"Goddamn it! You need to tone down that fire." He whispered and smirked.

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