23: Ephialtes

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Keir took a deep breath, gripping her hand more tightly. This is it. This is the point where she learns that he had a fucked up past that turned him into this monster.

He never told anyone about it, anyone who knew about his past, witnessed it along with him. Selene is the first one. He is not sure how to narrate this nightmare into a story. He just hoped that this would all be worth it in the end and that Selene would understand him better.

Selene moved closer to him and looked up to meet his eyes, "Whenever you are ready."

He got lost into her deep blue eyes for a moment. This time it was easier to breathe.

"My Dad was a well known criminal prosecutor. He uh-" He paused, and gulped, suddenly at a loss of words.

He looked at Selene, she gave him a small encouraging smile. That was enough to make him believe that he could do this.

"He worked with the government to legally screw criminals." He put out in his own words. "I was around nine when the incident happened."

—"Mama! Look what Dada and I made!" The nine year old giggled, holding a tray of baked chocolate cookies between his gloved hands.

"Mmm..That looks delicious. Let me have a bite." Olivia, his mom reached out for the cookies.

"Uh-huh! Not now." Her husband, Kenneth hit her arm playfully.

She pouted at him which he kissed it off. The boy jumped between them in glee, "I want a kiss too, Dada!"

"My lil' Kay Kay will get one, once he finishes his breakfast." Kenneth took him into his arms and walked into the dining room.

The three of them sat down on the table and the boy started to savour the pancakes.

"Keir!" Olivia gave him a look of disapproval.

"Sorry!" He mumbled with his mouth full and smeared with honey. He chewed down the pancakes and joined his hands before him to pray to the almighty God.

The couple chuckled at their son's childishness and prayed as well.

"Where's Mum?" Kenneth asked Olivia once they started their breakfast.

"Don't worry, your mother had her breakfast and is resting in her room." Olivia shook her head at his concern. He always acted as if she isn't capable enough to take care of his widowed mom.

Olivia glanced at Keir, making sure he was busy with his pancakes and honey.

"Do you really have to go for these court trials?" She asked in concern.

Kenneth glanced at Keir as well before speaking, "That's my job, Liv."

"They threatened you, in your own office amidst so many people. Don't you think it's worth considering again? This criminal might be very dangerous." She whisper yelled.

Kenneth stopped eating and gave her a hard look, "If I have been scared of threats and criminals, I wouldn't have become a prosecutor. Much as well been a chef!" He snapped back in a slight harsh tone.

Keir was successfully distracted from his breakfast now. His big black eyes stared at them with concern. He never liked when Mama and Dada argued.

They both gave him a meek smile and silence once again fell at the table.

Once they were done, while placing the plates on the kitchen counter, Liv turned to Kenneth for a last attempt to change his mind again.

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