18: Unclassified

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Selene's position in NIA is unclassified. She doesn't know if the term for her work is called an agent or a spy, but she doesn't like to think of herself as one.

She is happy to be a non designated member. It reminds her now and then that she doesn't belong to anyone. Not even to her parents.

NIA took Selene under their wing when she was around sixteen. She was recruited from a juvenile detection center in Cansas for the charges of an attempted murder.

She never regretted it. Stabbing a half broken beer bottle into that pudgy belly of her foster dad, David was the first best thing she did in her life.

She was sent to juvie for that stunt and Selene couldn't be more relieved. Hell is even better than staying in that foster home.

Back then, NIA was in search of young teens with a fire in them that was enough to bring the hell down on the Earth. They came looking for them in the juvies, so that they could train them into a more pro government way and put them to good use.

Though it was a great initiative, Selene wasn't interested in any of that. She joined only when Shana insisted on it. Shana and Selene first met in juvie, it was a surprise to see a sweet girl like her was sent to juvie. But then again, justice in this world is overrated. Especially to girls.

Shana day dreamed about both of them fighting off the bad boys in the world when she heard about NIA. Selene still remembers how she put it, "It's like power puff girls but with only two."

So Selene agreed and enrolled as a trainee in NIA for her best friend's happiness. Ten years from now, she didn't think that she'd be working in a criminal town helping to catch two criminals that she works with.

Downtown was just like her, dark and unmoving which made her easy to blend in. After being trained for three years and taking up petty projects, Selene's first big assignment was Richard, the mastermind behind the Reyes illegal merchandise and Haden's father.

It was just leaking information to NIA at first and that continued for three years. She worked at the Hudson bar as a bartender while being an informer to both Reyes and NIA.

It was tough times for her, juggling life between two different worlds. But the times got even tougher when Richard was encountered by Spain's counter investigative agency. Haden stepped up along with his brother, Brent on his side.

NIA found out about that and knowing about Haden's interests in Selene they forced her into joining his empire. She still didn't know if that was the right thing in her life or wrong but she never regretted it.

Now working with Haden for almost three years and six years for NIA, she still had mixed feelings about what she does. She never truly dedicated herself to NIA nor she was a trustworthy member of Haden.

She understands it now why it's so befitting for her, it's Unclassified, just like her.


"I didn't hear from you all day." Keir pushed a plate of chocolate marshmallow cookies to her, urging her to take one.

After much deliberation she gave into her crave and took one from the plate.

She took a bite into the cookie and talked to him with a full mouth, "Lest you forget I work for Haden too and actually get paid," She remarked sarcastically.

Keir gave a loud villainous laugh and muttered under his breath, "That son of a bitch!"

She glanced at him sideways, while munching on her second cookie. They were utterly delicious, one more skill to add on Keir's hidden talents list, baking.

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