19: Deadly Sleep

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"Amazing thing you've done with the whole decor thing," Yates waved at the artifacts placed beside the TV.

Keir looked at them and smiled, "Thank you, sir."

"Yates is fine," He brushed him off and followed Keir to the kitchen.

"I used to have a home like this back in Manchester," Yates said suddenly.

Keir watched him take a seat on the bar stool and admire the ambience of his house. He put up the vessel and started preparing for the tea.

"Manchester? Lovely city. What made you leave?" Keir gave him a striking smile.

Yates looked into his black eyes for a few seconds and decided to answer, "I was demoted. Got involved in an illicit drug business and was transferred to here." He shrugged.

"It's conniving what they did to you. I mean--demotion for drug dealing and later transferring to the highest drug racketing town?" Keir whistled through his mouth, empathising.

Yates nodded appreciating his words, "I know right! It's like I'm being tested or something." He shook his head.

"I never talked about my history to someone I met minutes ago," Yates chuckled a moment later, surprised by himself.

Keir smirked, "Don't worry, that happens. People tend to talk out things with me."

Yates laughed, "Something to do with your killer looks, I'm sure."

Keir mock gasped, "You got me!"

He filtered the tea in two porcelain cups and passed one to Yates. They walked back to the living room and Yates took a seat where Selene sat before. Keir eyed the place, zoning out for a minute.

Yates observed it and took a chance to ask him about her, "That Chicalina," He smiled, taking a sip of tea.


"Ms Sherman," He clarified, "You know her?"

"A mere acquaintance." Keir shrugged.

"Ah! Come on! Don't tell me you haven't banged her already. I mean did you see her?" Yates huffed through his mouth, as if imagining her before his eyes.

Keir's jaw ticked off and his arms flexed, holding himself from pouncing on him and tearing apart his skin. Yates went a step ahead in this. Keir gave him a smile that had a cynical side hiding beneath.

"I'm afraid she is taken already."

"That Haden guy?" Yates scoffed, "Don't tell me now that they have a loyal bond, pfft!"

Keir stayed silent.

Yates leaned front, "Selene is a criminal. I'm telling you infidelity is nothing compared to the things she had done. I'm sure that bitch killed Haden's clients." Yates threw back his head and laughed.

Keir grabbed the steaming cup on the table before him and splashed the piping hot tea on the laughing face of Yates.

He screamed in agony when the hot liquid touched his skin. In a swift motion Keir grabbed the binds that he always kept handy beneath the couch and tied it tightly around the Yates wrists.

The burn from the tea caused him to shut his eyes rendering him vulnerable. Keir used that opportunity to tie his legs as well. He grabbed the jug of water on the table and splashed on him again.

This time Yates sighed in relief, taking it as holy water. Keir emptied the jug on his head and glared at him like a raging bull.

"Is this about the girl?" Yates asked, still wincing in pain.

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