14: Seal The Deal

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Selene's grip tightened around the steering wheel, turning her knuckles white.

She woke up in a jerk when Keir called her precisely at 6:47 AM, asking her to meet him at the sent location. He claimed that it's the best time to have a chat about their deal, in his words.

Irrespective of her protests he stood headfast that they meet up before the Downtown is awake. And obviously, it was followed by him threatening to kill Haden.

She had to wobble up to her car in the morning, from the lack of sleep. A double shot of espresso she had just now didn't make amends to the week long shit she's been through.

It was almost a week and half since she met Keir and yet she was nowhere near being far away from him. She couldn't read him like other potential killers and sociopaths that roam around her everyday.

He is sweet and charming one minute then the next one he tears someone's guts out. For a psychopath, he is really good at showing emotions. If she didn't see him in action, she wondered if she could've guessed him being one.

Now that she is going to make a deal, not that she had any choice, she might see more of his actions.

Sexual may be? Her subconscious mind retorted.

She hit the steering wheel with her palm trying to stop the obscene thoughts that her mind fictionated. But still her mind stroll back to when they danced or approached each other in the club.

His hands were all over her and his heavy breaths from behind were something she is well accustomed to. The way he traced his fingers along-

"Holy spirit of demon!" She cursed and shut her eyes for a second.

As nice as the dance in the club felt, he had to ruin it by slitting Greg's trunk and gutting out his viscera.

Now that she thought of it, it sounds awfully deranged and there's no excuse for her to think of him in the way she is now.

Keir should terrify her, he does but not enough to cower in fear and stay the fuck away from him. She watched him kill three people in warm blood and just in a week. Who knows how many he killed later when no one's watching.

Selene is desensitised to violence and deaths. Growing up watching murders and being around deaths might do that for you but it is still not an excuse to play monopoly with the most wanted serial killer in the state.

"Your destination is on the right," Her navigation in the phone announced as soon as she reached the location that Keir sent.

A silent colony of suburban houses came into her view. The street was vacant except for the stray dogs roaming around.

Downtown is not a cheerful town with people waking early in the morning and taking strolls for fresh air. It's filled with people who are big shots that take cover in this town, and criminals that are practically untouchable by the law enforcement.

Law, police and government don't work here. Downtown has its own rules, one that are made by its residents themselves.

Killing the non criminal residents is forbidden. Cops should not poke their nose in Downtown's crime businesses unless they have a share in it. If they do, the consequences are fatal. Lastly, everyone should mind their own business and deals.

There's an unspoken quote, 'We all are criminals so let's not jeopardise our brotherhood.'

Most of the deals happen late in the night so obviously no one is awake at this time of the hour. Keir must have known that already so he suggested to meet now.

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