☯︎ Epilogue - Two Sides ☯︎

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"Uff! That's the last box."

Selene stacked up the packed boxes over each other and dusted her palms off. She turned to Keir with a sly smile creeping on her face.

"Seven fucking boxes?" Keir chuckled, amused.

He glanced at his own carton boxes that he brought from his house this morning. They weren't even half compared to Selene's.

Selene shrugged and hopped cheerily to the kitchen. "Well, my things won't fit into two boxes like yours."

"Fine! Seven it is then." He waved off, following her into the kitchen.

Washing her hands off, she plopped herself on the counter.

"What's for breakfast today?" She asked excitedly.

Keir smiled, shaking his head and tied the apron around his torso.

"Whatever her majesty requests." He smirked leaning over her.

She wrapped her legs around him pulling him closer. Keir titled his head to take her lips just when she pulled back with a huge smile on her face.

"Something spicy!" She said but soon changed her mind, "No, something sweet." She grinned.

Keir defeatedly nodded, bummed that she ruined his perfect moment to kiss her.


Selene pouted and shook her head, "Something new."

Keir scrunched his eyebrows, taking a quick trip down the recipe book in his mind. Selene pulled him close and gave a soft kiss on his lips. The recipes in his mind faded, replaced by her full soft lips.

Trapping her between his arms on the counter, he leaned his weight over her, kissing her breathless.

"Cannoli stuffed french toast?" He asked, smirking.

Nibbling her lips to stop giggling like a teenager, she nodded wordlessly.

For the next half an hour he got busy preparing the breakfast. As he took his sweet time, Selene let herself amused by his skill at cooking like always.

"What were you guys arguing about in the lake house?" She asked, unexpectedly.

Her question made him freeze and turn to her with a surprised look.

She wasn't looking at him, instead she was busy tasting the cannoli with her finger.

"Um..we were arguing about.." He paused thinking of an excuse.

"Hotness," He said, on impulse. She turned to him with a bizarre look.

"We were arguing about who is hotter." He nodded and resumed his work.

Selene opened and closed her mouth like a fish in the water. This was unexpected to say the least.

"You guys almost drowned disagreeing about who is hotter?" She twisted her face into an angry frown.

"Well.." Keir shrugged.

She rolled her eyes, "Great! And who was the winner?"

"Obviously, me." He smirked, making her roll her eyes again.

"I was being sarcastic. Geez! I wish the blast turned you mute." She quipped, shaking her head.

"But you love my voice. Smooth like velvet, British accent, sexy." He mocked in her voice, using her exact words.

Selene's ears turned red and she ducked her face away. "I didn't say sexy!"

He smirked, kissing her warm cheeks. "You don't have to, Angel." He winked, turning her into a baby tomato.

Two Sides Of A Serial Killer ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now