28: Make Sense

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Keir stood in the parking lot frozen in the same spot for almost an hour.

No one he loved stayed long, he learned that today. His Dad abandoned him and now Selene.

He felt like a fool to believe that he could change. He had it all planned, he would stop this killing, be a good man and love Selene unconditionally. They would leave Downtown, travel and find a new home, away from this chaos.

Now he can't. Especially when she feels he is a burden to her. It hurt the most, being a burden to someone you love. Someone who is not willing to fight the demons along with you. He thought she was the one, but in the end, she was scared.

He terrified her, and rightly so. Who would want to be with a infamous serial killer.

Every time he killed someone before her, he thought she understood him better, why he killed. He was wrong, he was scaring her away.

It was time that he accepted the universe. A killer could never change and a girl would never love a killer.

Telling himself that, only pained more in his chest. He placed a palm on his left chest and rubbed it where it pained. It was like an unseen wound, deep but invisible.

His eyes were slowly filling with tears as he realised that she won't be back. He looked up into the night sky and blinked, the moon blurred into the stars beside it.

The moon, he thought.

Keir was the darkness that night clouded over and Selene was it's moon that brought back light.

He never asked for sunshine, but if God was there, he would definitely ask for Selene in his life.

Funny thing is love is. He never wanted his Dad more than he now wanted Selene. That thought angered him. She hurt him, but yet he still wanted to be with her.

When did he become so dependent on her? He questioned himself.

Sighing to himself and wiping the unshed tears dry from his eyes, he walked into the club again.

He could really use something to blur his thoughts too.

He plopped on the bar stool and knocked at the bar.

"A bottle of whiskey." He ordered the bartender.

"Sorry sir, but we are sold out."

Keir gritted and grabbed his collar, looking straight into his eyes.

"I'll give you two options. You get me a bottle from the stash somewhere or I can drink your blood instead." He seethed, gripping his collar tighter.

The bartender choked and nodded, "I-I can arrange..to...that, sir."

Keir released his grip and the man scurried off.

Soon he came back with a bottle and timidly placed it on the counter. Keir grabbed a glass and poured himself a large peg to drown in it.

He gulped it down his throat in one sip and poured another again. He didn't want to remember her even in the gap between the drinks.

"Heartbreak's not a good look on you, Mr. Killer."

Keir turned to the voice and found a man grinning at him at his side. Keir ignored the man and focused back on his drink.

"Oh! C'mon. Shouldn't ya be off killing someone?"

Keir growled, "Unless you have a death wish, it's better you leave me alone."

He might want to change, but the urges are still there, especially with his emotions all over.

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