⁰⁵ Apologies

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Published on 3rd November 2020, 12:07 pm, IST

⁰⁵ Apologies

"- The really smart, absolutely amazing, James Potter!"

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"- The really smart, absolutely amazing, James Potter!"


☆    ALMOST TWO weeks had passed since the 'Jacket incident', as Sirius called it.

    During those two weeks, James had apologised for about a hundred times, but in vain.

    Apparently, telling her that the prank was not meant for her, but for her date, was not a good idea.

    Though during those two weeks, not only was Leonard was able to take her on three more uninterrupted dates, he also officially asked Rin to be his girlfriend, which she accepted very happily.

    And James had to endure the torture of seeing his sister snogging someone at his every turn, and repress the urge to strangle Dexter all the time.

    The whole of September was a black month for James, now with Rin dating Leonard, and him getting nowhere in his pursue of Lily Evans (Though he guesses it's better that she stopped punching him in the face but resolved to tell him to 'shove off' whenever he talked to her).

    And then on top of all that, the strain of him being the Gryffindor Quidditch captain was really getting to him.

    He had to schedule practice times, invent strategies, and he absolutely, in no bloody way could lose his first match or people might doubt his abilities as the captain of the team, so the practice times began to get longer, resulting in him being exhausted and behind in a few classes, and then ending in him having multiple detentions for not completing his work.

    And when he asked professor McGonagall which house the first match of the year was against, he could've screamed when he learned that it was against Hufflepuff, whose captain was Leonard Dexter.

    Him being a keeper didn't help matters either, since it meant that James would be going directly up against him as a chaser.


    "Greetings, to the ladies and gentlemen here! Welcome to the first Quidditch match of this year!" Sirius Black yelled into the microphone. "On the right side of the pitch, we have the Hufflepuff team! - Whoop! Here they come! Johnson! Alex! Morgans! Wilson! Matthews! Diggory! And then none other than their captain, Dexter!"

    There were loud cheers from one side of the pitch, while Rin just laughed and cheered for Leonard.

    "And then here comes the house with the best team to ever exist- put together by my best man of course- Gryffindor!"

𝐩𝐢𝐜𝐤-𝐮𝐩 𝐥𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬.  sirius blackWhere stories live. Discover now