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Twenty minutes later, we are both soaked with a few ruminates of bubbles on our skin. Cole had just finished rinsing the truck as I got in with no qualms of getting his interior wet. He started it; he can wipe down the leather later.

He climbs in beside me after taking off his cap shaking out his wet hair before pushing it back. He has a shit grin on his face while I am wearing a scowl.

"Lighten up, Trouble," he chuckles. "That was fun and you know it."

I shrug. It had been fun but now sitting in my soaked jeans and I still have to pick up my nieces and a birthday cake, I am regretting my choices.

"Next time just go through the drive thru," I suggest.

"Not a chance," he grins, rolling down the windows then pointing us in the direction of the elementary school.

I dig through my purse for a clip and twist my wet hair up off my neck. I then pull down the visor and try my best to wipe away the little bit of bleeding my mascara did.

The school is just minutes away from the car wash, but we're about five minutes early so Cole parks along the sidewalk with the few other early parents. The girls would recognize the truck right away, but I would get out when the bell run away.

"You're off until the wedding then?" Cole wonders.

"Marcie's wedding gift to me," I murmur. "I'm not sure what I'm going to do all week. Everything is all set really."

"Your mom doesn't have a list of things for you to do?"

"Just my dress fitting today and then the rehearsal on Friday. She has two twenty-four hour shifts this week, so she wanted everything done last week."

"She asked if I would pick up your flowers Saturday morning."


"It's fine," he tells me. "I've got the space," he gestures the truck. "And she's going to be running around all morning. All I'm going to be doing is drinking a beer and trimming my bread," he palms the dirty blonde scruff on his chin.

"As long as you don't show up drunk," I tease.

"I'd need a little more than a beer to show up drunk, Trouble."

"I'm going to need a shot of whiskey," I murmur as the bell rings.

"Just a shot?" he laughs as we both get out.

Cole walks around the front and leans against the truck while I tug at my damp shirt. The two of us earn stares from the other parents, both because we're soaking wet and because I definitely don't look old enough to have a grade schooler. It's like my face has been frozen at seventeen for the past eight years. It's both a curse and a blessing. Most of the parents are visibly in their thirties, even my sister who is thirty looks too young.

A pair of bright-eyed girls come racing out of the doors with matching princess backpacks. Soph has pin straight dark hair like her father that Caroline must have curled for her birthday while Livy has natural blonde ringlets that are bouncing away in two high pigtails. The girls share the same heart-shaped face with bright red cheeks. Soph is just a hair taller than Livy and the first to spot us. She knew I was picking them up but her eyes are on Cole and Cole alone.

"Cole!" she excitedly screams. Livy is slower to react but Soph drags her along anyway.

He chuckles beside me, stepping away from the truck to catch Soph as she launches herself into his arms.

"I heard it's someone's birthday," he swings her around.

"Me, me," Soph giggles.

Livy hugs my side. "Hi, Squish," I rub her back. "How was your day?"

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