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"It's been a whole ordeal," my mother huffs from the front seat of Caroline's car. "You know Auntie, she has to have everything planned to a T and Piper is about as organized as a toddler."

"Her husband can't get off work early, I'm not sure why Auntie's fit to be tied about it," Caroline replies.

Auntie Georgia is my mother's aunt. She took our mother in after her own passed when she was a teenager. Piper is Georgia's granddaughter. It is a long twisty story but, Piper's parents were drug addicts, and both passed when Piper was young. Georgia was deemed the soundest to take Piper in, thus creating our weird extended family.

"She's fit to be tied over everything, dear," our mom murmurs. "I'm sure Livy and Soph will be excited to see Piper's little ones though."

"As long as her daughter has gotten over her biting stage," Caroline mutters, unimpressed.

Mom rolls her eyes and turns in her seat. "You're awful quiet, Scarlett," she eyes me. My mother's graceful face is teasing but a little underlaying concern is there in her eyes.

"What should I say?" I shrug. "Auntie and Piper will arrive when they arrive."

"You're in a bit of a mood," Mom chuckles.

Caroline raises a brow at me in the rearview mirror. I've said nothing of Cole's visit last night and I don't plan too. I need to sort things out for myself.

I landed on a petal toned ivory for my fingers and toes, while Caroline and our mother went with shades of light pink. Alex's favorite flower was a magnolia, so I chose pale pink ones for the flowers. Another way for her to be there with me. Caroline and our mom chatted while I settled into the massage chair and pretended to not exist.

When we were finished, my mother ran down the rest of the day.

"I need to swing by and get the dress," she lists. "Then I will just be tiding up the house. The girls' carnival is at five right?"

"The carnival?" my ears pipe up.

"Yes, the end of the year carnival," Caroline says. "I told you about it last week."

"Shit," I groan. "I'm supposed to have dinner with Wraith's family tonight."

"Perhaps you can make it after," our mother suggests. "Soph will be at dunking tank with Cole while Livy is at the bake sale."

"What?" I gawk. "Cole's going?"

"Young Construction donated the funds for the dunk tank," she tells me. "He and a few of the guys offered to get dunked. Didn't he tell you?"

"Must have slipped my mind," I lie.

"Soph asked him about it two months ago," Caroline tells. "I told him he didn't have too but he was happy to help. He's actually getting the girls from school today and taking them to dinner before they head back to set up."

"Such a sweetheart that Cole Young," our mother sings. "He's too good for our group of heathens."

"I won't complain when it comes to free childcare," Caroline shrugs. "Just drop by if you can, Scar," Caroline adds. "The girls will understand either way."

"Your sister is right, there will be other carnivals," Mom adds.

"I'll figure it out," I say.

A kiss goodbye and I am back to packing up my little apartment. I pointed myself in the direction of my books, knowing they wouldn't be used either till after the wedding. The few photo albums I have are tucked into the mix. The oldest being a stained light purple book. A grin forms on my lips as I slip my fingers behind the cover and flip it over. The first photo is of Caroline and I. She's probably about nine, wearing a fairy costume while I'm a pumpkin sitting at her feet.

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