32. What's the Password?

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Where was I now? My house? Nah. Jimin's house? Nope. Then where?

I was sitting in a luxurious car which was headed to some unknown forest. Jungkook was sitting next to me and listening to songs while I squashed myself towards the window because I didn't want that pervert anywhere near me. 

We were no longer anywhere close to my house or even his house. We were out of the city and were travelling towards a dense forest. All I could see outside were trees, green and more trees and no buildings.

"Are you kidnapping me?" I asked him. But he was busy listening to songs through his earphones, so he hadn't heard me at all. I sighed and looked out of the window. Where are we going?

"We are here!" he said aloud and I closed my ears. Remove your earphones and then talk, idiot. Like he said, the car stopped and he got out of the car and so did I. I saw that we were actually in the middle of the woods and there was a huge mansion situated right in between.

"This mansion belongs to me," he said and I nodded. Hold on...his mansion!?

"Your mansion!?" I asked him and he grinned.

"I bought this place, that is the woods, before I shifted here," he said and I gaped at him. He bought it! "My father decided it would be better to have a mansion constructed here, so I did. It was done in two years and this is my first time visiting it."

"Your first time?" I asked him.

"Yes. My first. I actually wanted to bring the gang here. But they were always busy or they had other plans. So eventually I forgot about this place. But since you were free and I wanted to get a break from my mother and Leishi, I decided that we both stay at this place for four days."

"Four days? I am pretty sure it was one."

"Nope. Your mom said four days and she allowed me—"


"Yes. Your mom won't be coming for another four days because according to what she said to me before, she had to break some bones and knock some sense into her colleagues' brains," he said and I prayed for them. They must be really lagging behind. Whenever they have delayed work, my mom turns violent and makes everyone camp in the office itself. In a few days, they all lose their sanity. Pretty sad, right? That's how cruel my mom was when it came to business.

"What about my father?" I asked him.

"He went to Japan for some business stuff." Japan? He already went there two weeks back. They were calling him again? I don't really know business, so I am not going to say anything. 

But back to the most important part, why his house? I mean there was Jimin and there was...Jin and there was....Jimin and Jin...only them? Yeah, there were two houses for me to go and my parents had to choose him. Out of all the people existing in this world, him? Why?

Was this karma? But I have always eaten my vegetables and been kind to elders. So what did I do to deserve this? The pancakes and the burger? It had to be them. Oh gosh! Why did I even eat them?

"Hey, you want to check the mansion?" Jungkook asked me. He looked pretty excited since it was his first time coming here. I nodded and followed him into the huge mansion. He unlocked the big doors with a key and pushed it open. As soon as the doors opened, I felt like I reached another world. It was so shiny! Like really really shiny! My eyes must be blessed from all of this. I twirled around and looked at every shiny thing. Okay I was over exaggerating. It wasn't like diamond-ish shiny. It was because of the huge chandelier in the middle of the hall and the glassy floor.

Fake Boyfriend || A Taekook FanficWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu