35. Mission Possible...Or Not!

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Somewhere in the corridor~

Okay. Plan is in action! Mission possible: Separate the gay couple and make Jungkook my husband. Easy peasy, lemon squeezy! Now, where are they?

Leishi looked to her right and left and was busy searching for two specific males. She smiled when she saw her love rival bouncing and twirling around as he came out of the cafeteria. 

He is here. Now where is my...haha! My husband is here too! Jungkook was coming from the opposite direction, his hands were in his pocket and he was whistling a soft tune. Omg! He so handsome! I can't believe he is dating that loser. He would be happier if I was his love. I bet that Taehyung must have made him drunk some love potion. 

Forget about it. It was time.

She took a deep breath and completely exhaled it all out. She tightened her ponytail and walked out of her hiding place. Neither of the males had seen her nor had they seen each other. Okay Leishi, you can do it! Jungkook belongs to you and to you only. Fighting! 

Leishi started to walk towards Jungkook and she looked at her tiny mirror and smiled when she saw her face looking absolutely perfect. 

Jungkook, you are mine. 

She put the mirror back in her pocket and continued to walk towards him.

Jungkook still hadn't noticed her, but he scrunched his nose when he smelt a familiar perfume.

Leishi was ready with her plan. Just as she came closer to Jungkook, she accidently—purposefully—tripped on her shoe lace and fell on Jungkook. Luckily they didn't fall on the ground as Jungkook grabbed her right on time. She smiled mentally in her brain and she gasped.

"I am so sorry, Jungkookie," she batted her eyelashes at him and spoke to him in her sweetest voice, "I am so clumsy. Hehe."

She could see Taehyung coming their way and she wickedly smiled. Let's see what happens now.



I knew it! That dumb boy had completely forgot about the project. Luckily, I transferred the entire project to my pen drive and saved us from the teacher's huge temper. It was located in Taehyung's laptop and last night, somewhere in the middle of the night, I quickly unlocked his laptop and transferred the files.

How do I know the password? Did he say it out? Nope. Did Taehyung's mom say it to me? Nope.

Then how? It was only after two tries did I get it right. At first I thought it was 'Jungkook', but sadly, it wasn't. Then next I thought of 'Tigey', it didn't work. Then I tried the ultimate one, ZerefxTae. And magically, it worked!

Sheesh! That guy should keep a better password like I do. Not 'Tae is my baby'. Something like 6t9a7e8k9o4o2k7. Pretty easy to remember also. One sec...he won't be able to remember it. Why am I even having hopes on a guy who has lost all hopes in his life?

Right now I was headed to the canteen where the rest of the gang were busy eating their lunch. I couldn't go with them since one of the teachers held me back and made me arrange all the students' projects in an order. It took me at least ten minutes, but I would have done it faster if the teacher didn't stop talking about her poor life and her useless husband.

I suddenly smelled a familiar perfume and scrunched my nose when it became stronger. This perfume...is it...

Suddenly something fell on me and luckily I grabbed it...oh sorry, her, before she fell on the ground along with me. She looked at me and her eyes gleamed with joy. 

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