39. When The Tears Don't Stop

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Father really knows how to annoy me. Those guys who came earlier for the meeting where from our company and they had come to discuss about some project which was having some issues. I was quick to solve it and sent them away since I was really hungry and my Sunday was ruined. I could clearly see that it was a test sent by my father. What an ass he is!

I bet he still doesn't believe that I can handle private life and business life. Did I ask that I want to do business now? Nope. He decided and now he sends me files and reports to analyze. I wish I had a normal father. Like Taehyung's father.

Suddenly someone pounded on my door. Must be Taehyung since there was no one else in the house and I sent away Lily a little bit early today. I got up from my chair and made my way to the door. I opened it and saw a fuming Taehyung holding his laptop under his right arm. Now this is interesting. I leaned against the door and smirked.

"What does my honey want from me?" I asked him and he glared at me.

"Why did you go into my room?" he asked and I mentally sighed. He was still not over it. I only went into his room to get my bracelet which accidently fell off in the morning before we left for Namjoon's house. That bracelet was my favorite and I didn't want to lose it.

"Simply," I grinned. I wanted to tease him a bit before I actually tell him the truth.

"LIAR!" he yelled at me and I stared at him in shock. Was this my imagination or was Taehyung actually pissed at me? On top of that, he was yelling at me. Okay...weird.

He grabbed the collar of my shirt with his left hand and pulled me towards him, "What did you do to my laptop?" he growled and some part of me flinched when he said those words. He was actually pissed and the way he was talking to me was scary. 

"Your laptop? I-I-I didn't do anything," I stuttered, but he continued to glare at me, "What happened to it?"

"What happened?" he chuckled and suddenly he pushed me down and I fell on the ground. What the...?

"Don't act like you don't know, you ass," he yelled at me and I was shocked by his sudden temper.

"Taehyung, I swear I have no clue what you are talking about?"

"You don't know? Oh...I see," he laughed and knelt in front of me, "Let me refresh your memory then. You deleted all my anime videos and pictures. Now do you remember?"

Deleted his anime? Seriously? For this, he is pissed. What the hell? Is a kid or something? More importantly, I did not even touch his laptop.

"I don't know who deleted it, but I am telling you I didn't. And why are you getting so worked up from this tiny situation?"

"You don't know? You are probably the only know who knows my password since you were the one who copied the project into the pen drive. Plus, I am worked up for a tiny situation?" he snarled at me, "Those videos....why did you delete them? Do you hate me so much that you choose to delete the things I love?"

"When I said I didn't, it means I didn't do it. You just can't blame me like that."

"You are lying. Then why exactly did you go into my room then?" he asked me.

"I am not. If you want I will tell you the truth. When I went to call you, accidently my bracelet fell and I didn't know that. Later when you left, I realized it was missing and searched the entire house and that's when I entered your room and saw it. Other than that, I didn't do anything else." I finished telling him, but from the look on his face, he didn't believe it.

"What a nice story," he chuckled and glared at me, "Why do you make these stories up instead of just accepting the truth?" Now he was really getting on my nerves. I told him the truth and still he didn't believe. Who the heck would be so childish like him? Piece of crap! I got up and pointed my finger at him.

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