46. My Mark On You

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10...9...8...Let's skip the seconds...3...2...1...0


I tried to push him away, but he pulled me closer and I squeaked when I felt his hand brush against my exposed skin. That brat! He is a pervert in and out. He licked my lower lip and I gasped. Do people lick while kissing? I haven't seen it in anime. He suddenly pushed me to the glass wall of the cabin and enclosed me in his arms. Help me! I need to get out!

But his grip was too strong and I was pinned to the cabin's wall. I lost all hope and sat there being helplessly lip raped by a pervert. My lips! Poor lips, I am sorry that I couldn't protect you...okay, what am I even saying? 

The weird thing about this kiss was it was much more gentle than the other ones where he would just play with my lips and nothing more. Right now the way he was kissing me made me feel delicate and fragile, as if I was going to break into pieces at the slightest of touch. But, this was probably my imagination.

But that's not the point here! The point is, how the heck am I supposed to get out of here? Knock him down and jump out? Sounds dangerous and there are chances I might die. Bite his lips? Now that's a plan. 

Before I could bite it, he left my lips and smirked at me. So, he stopped? Good. Now let me run away. But, oh no! He didn't stop there. He licked his lips and attacked my neck. I gasped and weird noises began to come out of my innocent mouth. He kissed every part of my neck softly and made his way down to my collar bone. 

I bite my lips when he teased that place and I could feel him smiling on my skin. Just stop this! But I couldn't stop it and some part of my body wanted him to go on and on. Looks like I have a perverted soul inside of me.  He slowly went down and he gently kissed my belly button. I arched my back and bit my lips to hold back a moan which was urging to shout out and my hands went automatically to Jungkook's hair and pulled at it. I want to rip his bloody hair off!

He left wet kisses from my bellybutton to my stomach's side and he began to suck at a spot which was right below my rib cage.

"Nngh! Ju-Jungk-kook. S-Stop," I bit my lips when he continued to suck that same place. He got up and smirked at me. I was panting and I was pretty sure that I blushed like a tomato.

"What was that, you pervert?" I asked and pushed him away from him. He licked his lips and stared at my waist.

"Wow! I am a pretty great artist, right?" he pointed to my waist and I looked at it. My eyes suddenly widened with shock when I saw a dark-purplish mark on my side. 

"WHAT THE HECK?! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?" I yelled at him and he simply smirked at me.

"Because those ladies in the next cabin were staring at your waist. So I had to mark you as mine," I face-palmed myself and many beautiful words, which even Gods are afraid to say, poured out of my mouth at him. Luckily, the ride was going to come an end. Immediately when the cabin stops, I am going to jump out and run away from him.

"You wouldn't want to be running in the streets with a crop top on," Jungkook said and I stared at him. Did he just read my mind? "So take my jacket and wear it."

He handed me his leather jacket and I stared at it and then, back at him. I was to wear that?

"No need," I looked away and I heard him sigh.

"Okay then. Did you know that right now in the very streets of Seoul, bad guys who love to torture boys are on the prowl? They love having handsome boys for dinner and they like it fresh and soft. Handsome boys like you may fall into their trap. Just warning you to be careful, okay? You have no clue how perverted people can be."

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