48. Results Unleashed!

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"Why are all of you here?" I asked the gang who had decided to invade my house without my permission. I had gone for a meeting and when I came back home, I was greeted by the nosy idiots.

"Why are we here? We are here for the marks," Yoongi said and I rolled my eyes at him.

"You guys can check your marks from your home itself. Why come here?" I asked them and they shrugged. Why am I stuck with annoying people?

"Then, at least explain to me why Jin is here?" I pointed at Jin who was busy talking to Lily about a dish which he was going to prepare next week. 

"Because he is here to support his Tae baby," Hobi said and I sighed. 

"Ten more minutes," Namjoon announced and we gathered around my laptop. Our results were going to be published on the school's website and it was rank wise. That means, they will show which position the student stands in the grade. I was the topper in my grade so I was always first.

I saw Taehyung hugging Jimin as he looked at the laptop's screen with fear. Were marks really terrifying? 

"Five minutes," Namjoon announced and everyone sat even more closer. I was laying down on the floor and busy looking at my selfies. I could hear some weird noise and I realized it was Jin munching on popcorn. Must be enjoying the show here. 

"Two more minutes," Namjoon said and they were now biting their nails and anxiously waiting for the results. I left my phone and sat beside Taehyung who was chewing on Jimin's scarf while Jimin was chewing Yoongi's hair. 

"THERE IS ONLY A MINUTE LEFT!" Jin yelled and that was when almost everyone started to panic.

"OMG! I AM GOING TO FAIL!" Taehyung yelled and he started to run around the hall like a wild animal. Luckily, he didn't break anything down. 

"Thirty seconds," Hobi said and I snickered. This was like waiting for a comeback of some group. I felt Taehyung hiding behind me and I smiled. What a baby.

"Ten seconds," Suga said and Yoongi bit his lips. Why are the Min's so scared? Oh yeah, I forgot! Their parents must have threatened to take away their favorite pillow if they didn't get good marks.

"Five seconds," Jin said and I could hear Taehyung's teeth chattering. 

"3...2...1...CLICK IT!" we started to countdown and Namjoon clicked the link.

500 internal server error. There was an error

This website cannot be reached for now.

"THE HECK!" we all yelled and that was when all hell broke loose.

"THIS IS A SIGN! A SIGN THAT I WILL FAIL!" Taehyung yelled and he ran out of the mansion and into the woods with Jin chasing after him.

"NAMJOON YOU BROKE IT! YOU GOD OF DESTRUCTION!" Suga and Yoongi yelled at poor hyung who was restarting the page several times.

"AAAAHHHHHHHHHHH! I NEEED TO PEE!" Jimin yelled and ran to the bathroom. That's the weird hyung right there.

"We just have to be patient guys. So many people will be checking it and that is why the server crashed," Hobi said. He was really the sunshine of the group. "But if it doesn't come in five minutes, I might have to kill you all." Nope, he is the dark sunshine of our group.

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