1 | The Nerd Next Door

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Sunghoon's POV

"Sunghoon!!!" Jay screamed while walking up to his room.

"5 more minutes." He stated.

"We have basketball practice and you know coach doesn't want us to be late, especially since you're the captain." Jay explained.

I groaned and walked to the bathroon to get ready for my practice.

"Sunghoon, hurry up! Sunoo is almost here you know how impatient that guy can get." Jay said.

"He's not going with Niki." I said while brushing my teeth.

"He wanted to see us practice so he'll know if going to our games is worth his time." Jay explained.

"He always goes to our games though." I mentioned.

"Well..... Niki was supposed to take Sunoo on a date, but there's a basketball game. So, he's still deciding." Jay answered.

"He should go on his date. It's not a big deal if he doesn't come and plus it's not the championships yet and not a lot of people are going to." I replied.

"I mean he's already here and he'll just have to watch us." Jay said while showing Sunoo's texts indicating that he's down stairs.

I went to my small closet and looked for something to wear. I decided to wear my basketball pants with my sports jersey.

I took my duffel bag that already has my change of clothes inside and my school backpack. I went downstairs where my two friends are.

"Hey Sunoo!" I greeted.

"Sunghoon!! You don't want me in your game!" Sunoo shouted.

"I didn't say that. I just suggested that you should go on your date with Niki." I explained.

"Well, I want to, but you know he canceled it." Sunoo said.

"Why" Me and Jay asked.

"His grandma is coming home tonight, so he has to go to the airport. And I'm not ready to see his grandmother." Sunoo explained.

"Well then, let's go." Jay said and we all walked towards his car.

"Sunghoon, where's your mom?" Sunoo asked.

"She told me she'll run a few errands." I replied and we all headed to the school.

My life is simple. I'm not rich, but I aspire to be one. I was lucky enough to get a scholarship to Seoul University because if not, I would've just stopped my education and just take multiple of part times.

I was going to get a part time, but my mom stopped me because she thinks it'll be a distraction to my studies and basketball.

Besides basketball, I do Ice Skating, but I only get to compete to one event that'll be happening soon. Ice Skating was one of my favorite sports. I wanted to pursue that, but I stopped because it reminds me of someone.

I went back to skating because my years of training would be a waste if I don't continue it. But instead of competing three times a year, I only get to compete once.

I'm lucky enough to be able to inherit my father's smartness because that's what made me good in math. Math is one of the subjects that I love. I always find it interesting, but I'm a bit slow because math now days are harder since you have to use a calculator that cost over a hundred dollars (graphing calculator), but I get to use Jay's from time to time, but there are times where I don't have it and just use the old way.

"Okay guys, we are here." Jay said and switched his engine to parking.

"Well, I'll be at the library." Sunoo said.

"But I thought you'll watch the practice." I asked.

"Well, Niki texted me that he's at the library to turn in a book he had. So I'll just stay there and maybe you know." Sunoo said and smirked.

"Sunoo, you are so gross." Jay said.

"It's not my fault you don't have a relationship." Sunoo replied and walked to the library.

"Can you believe that guy?" Jay joked and went to the court.

I followed him and placed my things in the locker room and headed to the court to stretch before we start the practice.

"Okay guys, listen up. Today is the start of playoffs and we're currently tied with Seoul International College. I want you guys to be serious and behave for today, I don't want any of you to be distracted. Got it" Coach said.

"Yes, coach." Everyone said and started walking to the locker room.

I went towards my locker room and took my duffel bag and headed to the bathroom to change.

"Sunghoon." Jay said.

"What?" I asked.

"I'm gonna go to class already. It's going to start in three minutes." Jay explained.

"Okay, bye. See you in lunch" I said.

I'm taking business marketing because I could branch out to other companies easily. I never actually knew what I wanted to be because since I'm smart, I have so much options.

I really hope I'll stay focus throughout the day and get that W for the school.

Hey guys! How do you like this book so far? Let me know! Also, if you want to suggest anything to the book, don't be afraid and tell me! I hope you guys enjoy it this far!

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