2 | The Photographer

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Jake's POV

*Arf* *Arf*

"Layla! Be quiet or I'll take you back to Australia!"

I'm lying down on my bed while a ton of boxes surrounded my room. I just got here yesterday from Australia and I didn't get to unpack that much. I only unpacked my clothes which is now in my walk-in-closet.

Today is my first day of school in Korea. My family decided to bring me back here because our company is already doing well in Australia and since I'm in my second year of college. My family took me here so once I'll graduate, I'll take care of the company. My parents will be leaving next week to Australia. So, I'll be alone in this house soon.

This is actually my house that my father gave me in my 18th birthday. I never got to see it since I was in Australia, but I'm just happy that I get to stay here and be independent.

My parents are in there house which is a few miles from here. They wanted me to stay with them, but I wanted to see my house already. My mom hired a maid, but I told her no because I never really needed it. My grandmother raised me to be able to do house chores.

I started getting ready for school because I might be late.

I went to my bathroom and washed up a bit and to brush my teeth. I went to my closet and decided to wear my Burberry Hoodie that I recently bought and I paired it with black pants. I decided to wear my black Balenciaga shoes. I got my glasses and started to walk downstairs while Layla is following me on my way down.

"Now, Layla behave. I'll be back in six hours. I might be late a bit. So just don't get the house messy. I'll send hyung's assistant to send food per two hours." I said to Leyla and kissed her goodbye.

I had Layla for about 4 and a half years. I bought Layla when I was sixteen. Layla was one of my source of happiness. Laylais not a people-person. Layla only liked two people. Me and Sunghoon.

I don't really want to talk about Sunghoon because I was such a jerk to him and I regret what I did. I got rid of everything that reminded me of him. I almost even left Layla here, but I'm glad I didn't.

I wished I wasn't a coward back then. Maybe we would've been a great couple.

I stopped thinking about him and just went to my car and drove to the university.

My subject is Business Marketing. I already know two people in that school; Geonu and Jungwon. They know why I left (but not the Sunghoon part) and they're the only two friends I have. Most people will say I have a lot because I'm rich, but I don't because some people just be-friend me because of my background.

I like taking pictures, so I would always bring my camera. I have a lot of camera, but my favorite would probably be my film camera. My brother gave that to me. I've always had it ever since, but I don't bring that because I'm scared I'll accidentally break it or forget it.

I've been talking about myself too much that I'm already in school.

I parked my car and headed towards my first class, math.

I hate math. I'm good in every subject, just not math. Other subjects, all you have to do is memorize terms and you'll pass. But math is different. You have to analyze and use your mind in every single equation. I have the tools and stuff, but I just can't with math.

"Jake!" Someone yelled. I turned and saw that it was Jungwon with Geonu. They all walked towards me.

"It's been a while since I last saw you guys." I mentioned.

"When did you come back?" Jungwon asked.

"Just yesterday." I replied.

"Oh, did you see Heeseung hyung already?" Geonu asked.

"No, hyung has been busy here." I replied.

"You're probably in the same class as us. Business Marketing right?" Geonu said.

I nodded.

"Great, let's go to class together." Jungwon said and I followed him.

Thank you for reading this chapter! Prepare for Jakehoon to meet!

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