Disobeying Delinquents

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Murphy continued to watch the video of the deranged man even though the door to the lighthouse had closed shut. The man spoke nonsense to the camera as he set it on the coffee table. He clocked a pistol and held it under his chin.

"She got out," he whispered before pulling the trigger. The gunshot echoed in Murphy's ears and he stood to see the blood spot tainted the couch where the man committed suicide.

"Chris!" the camera rolled. Two men appeared from the room side of the bunker and approached the dead body. "It wasn't China," one said. "He let her out." The two grabbed his legs and arms and carried him up the stairs before the door closed.

Three Months Later

"Becca, close your eyes," Murphy recited Chris's voice as he sipped a beer. He scratched his beard and mimicked Becca's shriek when she saw ALIE standing in front of her. The doctor waved a hand through the one in the red dress to find out she was a hologram.

"I made her look like you because she's your creation," Chris explained. The two friends left Chris, Becca, and the AI alone and she turned off the hologram. "Yeah, yeah, I know you two were happy and had sex," Murphy groaned and he fast-forwarded the tape.

"My core command is to make life better by fixing the main problem," he said in a robotic voice as Becca spoke with ALIE. "And what is that?" Becca questioned. "Too many people," he answered before ALIE.

Murphy paused the video on Becca's face that ALIE copied and he tilted his head, noticing her facial details that reminded him of someone else. "Holy shit," he stretched out. Out of anger and confusion, he chucked the beer at the tv and watched it shatter.

He grabbed the camera and set it on the table, holding the gun in his right hand. "Hi Jaha," he greeted with a faint smile. "Or anyone else who finds this. It's day eight-six and I'm on the last box of food. I'm not going to listen to you. We're always going to be the disobeying delinquents no matter how hard you try to change us. Anyways, go float yourself Jaha."

He shut off the device and ordered the head of the gun to his chin. He stressfully leaned back and forth, letting a tear strip down the side of his face, and shouted, tossing the gun. Murphy pulled his knees to his chest to cry.


Kane traced a map on a board of the nearby sectors around Arkadia and he held a quiet finger when Bellamy opened the door. He pointed to the sleeping Abby and motioned him to enter.

"Lincoln took the Guard jacket," Bellamy whispered. "That's good," he nodded, pressing a finger on the board. "Sector seven." "Lincoln said that's near Ice Nation," Bellamy explained. "Non-lethal response. If anything happens, you come back here," Kane ordered and he nodded before leaving.

The moment the door closed, Abby awoke and he let out a sigh. "You haven't slept in weeks," he said. "I wonder if she's there," Abby said, looking at sector seven. "I'll send a search party," he told her but she shook her head. "She left for a reason, Marcus. If she wants to be found she would come back," she explained.

"What about Luisa?" Abby asked. "You don't seem worried at all." He glanced at her then back at the map. "Indra's been informing me that she's getting taken care of by the Commander," he explained. "She's in training for what they call 'conclaves' to be the next Commander." "They only do this for people with the genetic mutation?" "Nightbloods," he corrected. "As long as she's safe... I'm fine."

"But Marcus they're our children," she said. "The same children who we sent to the ground," he justified. "I let her go when we did that. They're adults who can make decisions for themselves."

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