City of Light

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"They're climbing," Luisa said aloud as Clarke used an EMP in her mother. Abby fell limp into her arms and she slit the back of her neck open to remove the excess chip. The doctor awoke and confusedly looked around and began to sob into her daughter's arms.

"What do we do know? Ontari's useless," Murphy said, stepping away from her. "I have to stop running," she told him. "Put it in."

Luisa sat on the throne and get the scalpel slice the back of her neck. "Acsende superius," Murphy whispered. The Flame's tentacles attached to her skin and slipped into her head. The chip pressed on her spin and the waves shot into her brain, causing her eyes to close.

"Kane," his voice exclaimed and she felt Clarke's cold hand tap her cheek. "I'm fine," she said weakly. "Make a plan to keep them out and tell Raven I'm in. Give me the chip." "Why?" "I have to go into the City of Light for the kill switch," she explained.

Abby grabbed Jaha's sack and pulled out the key. She held the chip with the infinity sign on it and pressed it on her tongue before swallowing. Knowing her forms of meditation, she set her elbows on the armrests and closed her eyes.

The cold wind rushed from afar and Luisa opened to be standing at the end of a tunnel. She stepped out to the sprinkling, dewy, morning that wet her hair. Her body wasn't heated from the animal feted fur and she looked down to be wearing her black Skaikru clothes.

She began to walk down the street. Skyscrapers towered over her and the picture of a normal city from textbooks matched the scenery.

A man appeared from behind her and he went down the sidewalk. Her pace quickened and she began to jog down the streets. A horn blew and she stopped in front of a woman who walked past her and the same man continued his journey across the street.

Traffic lights switched and the cars began to move. Vendors were selling food as people bought them on their way to a building, holding suitcases. Ontari and Echo passed her but they didn't acknowledge her presence.

"Jasper?" she called out. He licked his strawberry ice cream and smiled widely at the sky before taking a seat at a bus stop. She went to speak with him but the street crossing monitor grabbed her attention. An infinity sign glowed on the screen and a woman with the symbol passed her.

"Spirit of the Commanders," she whispered and followed the sign. The woman disappeared and she spun to look for her when a ring sounded. A girl on a bike rode on the street and she ran after her.

The hint of passage vanished and she wandered around a city square filled with stairways. She stared at the building in front of her and figured it was her destination when she felt a presence behind her.

Luisa pivoted and sharply inhaled when a strand of hair brushed her cheek. The war paint covered her green eyes and her nostrils flared.

"We chose wisely," Lexa smiled. She stumbled back to count five Commanders spread out in line. "We chose you, Adheda," they said monotonously. They were all dressed in their own armor but the constant Commander shoulder plate was on all of them.

"Where's the kill switch?" she asked and they blinked at her. "Please, I need help." The five disappeared and anger coursed her veins. "I'm here to help," a woman's voice called out.

She noticed her straggling around not like the rest of the citizens and approached her. She was taken aback when her face had gotten clear. She looked like her. A lower black ponytail with baby hair, sharp eyebrows, perfect nose and lips, brown eyes, fairly tan skin, and cheekbones.

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