Acsende Superius

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Sitting at the end of the bench, Luisa kept her head down, listening carefully to Raven reading the hand-sized notebook Clarke had received from Titus of the great Becca Franco and her works.

"Wow," Raven said in awe, drowning her face in the book. "Did you know she found the cure for cancer at the age of twenty-one?" There was a muttered cough and only the sound of the vehicle humming sounded.

"Um, this is about you," she said. From the corner of her eye, she could see the edge of the tan book and her head raised. Glancing at everyone, she hesitantly grabbed it. The page was filled in cursive and her hand traced the crumpled sheets.

As a scientist, I have many projects for success. But there are failures, regrets. One of them was ALIE. It was my fault I didn't reach her the value of human life, that's why she set off the missiles. She believed in too many people, I believed in saving them. My second one was about my daughter, Bella. I should have gone to her. I should have dropped my determination of taking the second AI and blood alterations to Earth and went to the Ark to see her. Brown beautiful eyes that glistened when I did my work, she seemed interested. She hardly cried and was always quiet and quick to copy my actions. When she called out, 'Mama' my heart would melt. The life of a human being tore me apart in ways I could never imagine. I should have gone to her. I'm sorry, Bella.

Luisa's eyes filled with water and she wiped them. The dreams she had of the woman she called, 'mama' were real. She was real. She finally understood why Lexa mistakenly called her Bella, it was her speaking through.

A tear splashed on the sheet and she sniffled, tearing the page out and she folded it into her pocket before handing the book back to Raven.

Jasper leaned in the aisle to ask, "What do we call you?" "I'm still me, Luisa Kane," she managed a faint smile.

"Where to know, Princess?" Bellamy asked and they all looked to the front where Clarke was sitting. "We need to stop at Arkadia to get Lincoln's journal to find Luna," she explained. Monty clicked on the radio to inform Miller of their next destination but there no answer.

The rover drove on the grassy terrain as the group surrounded it in a fighting position as they crossed the destroyed gates of Arkadia.

"Ghost town," Jasper exhaled. "Migration plan," Raven said. Luisa stopped behind Octavia who was staring at the bloody mud and she guessed it was the sight Lincoln had been executed. She touched her shoulder out of comfort but her body grew tense and she shouted, "Let's find the book and go!"

The warrior walked away and Jasper eyes her he was going to follow. Luisa entered through the garage behind Bellamy and they went to the weaponry.

"They didn't take anything," he said, loading his gun and extra clips. Clarke took and a handgun and he motioned he was going to back out of the rover as the two went to Sinclair and Raven who were studying the Flame.

"The AI can only be activated with a phrase," Raven told them. "And only if Titus told me," Clarke exhaled. "Can you guys figure it out?" "Try something Lexa always said," Raven suggested.

The blonde hovered over the chip and said, "Jus drein jus daun." Nothing. "Blood must have blood." No answer. "Bella," Luisa spoke up and the sound of the name rolling off her tongue brought chills down her back but nothing happened.

"Becca spoke Latin right?" Sinclair asked and Raven nodded. He traced a hand over the folded cloth and pondered. "Seek Higher Things is also in the sacred room," she whispered. "Do you think Titus knew?" "Probably," Clarke said.

"Altiora quaerere," Sinclair said in Latin. "No, that's too literal," Luisa shook her head. "Go ahead, you faked knowing the language," he said. She had to think about it and they both said, "Acsende superius."

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