Thirty Six : Always By Your Side

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Lan XiChen grew more worried as he couldn't contact Meng Yao. Atlast he decided to look for Meng Yao in his apartment. He hastily drove towards Meng Yao's apartment and rang the calling bell several times. He felt clueless and soon began to panic.

Is he not at home? Where has he gone?

He was about to ring the bell again when the door crack open and an almost lifeless Meng Yao stood inside. Lan XiChen eyes widened at the sight of dreadful Meng Yao. His gentle eye appeared to be red and were overshadowed by grief and dullness. The gentleness of his face was replaced by exhaustion.


Meng Yao lifted his gaze and saw a startled Lan XiChen. He couldn't control his urge to cry and pulled Lan XiChen into a tight embrace, breaking down completely.


Lan XiChen was oblivious to the reason for Meng Yao's tears. He gently patted the younger's back in an attempt to comfort him. Tears spilled out uncontrollably from Meng Yao's eyes.

"A-Yao stop crying."

Lan XiChen made Meng Yao sit on the couch and sat beside him. Meng Yao lowered and rested his head on older Lan's lap while Lan Xichen run his fingers through the soft hair. The two stayed like this until Meng Yao calmed down. No words were exchanged, the silence was comfortable to both.

"Did you have your meal?" Lan XiChen enquired gently. Meng Yao shook his head in rejection.

Lan XiChen ordered some food which arrived after a few minutes. Meng Yao was reluctant at first but Lan XiChen was persistent to feed him. At last Meng Yao sighed and had the food.

After the meal Lan XiChen crouched in front of Meng Yao who was sitting on the couch and held his hand.

"A-Yao what's the matter? You can tell me anything. Don't you want to share your worries with me?"

Meng Yao felt guilty on seeing Lan XiChen. His eyes were full of affection and he waited patiently for Meng Yao's reply. Meng Yao got up got up from the couch and grabbed a coat.

"Come with me."

Lan XiChen followed him quietly and Meng Yao drove towards the graveyard.

They got off the car and Meng Yao stopped in front of a certain place. Lan XiChen gasped when he saw the grave of Mrs.Meng. He stretched out his hand to hold Meng Yao's hand and gave to a squeeze. Meng Yao lowered his head and let his tear fall. Lan XiChen immediately hugged him by shoulder and Meng Yao buried his face in Lan XiChen's chest. The elder man pulled away from the hug and bowed in front of Mrs.Meng's grave to show his respect.

"I'll take good care of your son with my whole heart." Lan XiChen whispered and guided them back to Meng Yao's apartment.

The two entered the bedroom and Meng Yao sat on his bed. Lan XiChen accompanied him and asked, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I'm sorry XiChen." Meng Yao bit his lips to suppress him tears. His mind was muddled with insecurities and fear.

"I'm not blaming you." Lan XiChen uttered with a faint smile. He pulled Meng Yao into his lap and gazed at him lovingly. Meng Yao was surprised by Lan XiChen's sudden gesture but he snaked his arms around his neck.

"Don't worry. I'm not upset with you A-Yao. But please don't hide anything from now on. It really pains me to see you shattered like this. Open up your mind and let out your feelings and insecurities. Even if the things get difficult, we'll fight it together."

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