•☯︎︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟸☯︎︎•

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⚠️tw- mentions of suicide

Alice awoke to the sound of a rhythmic beating sound. Knowing where she was she refrained from opening her eyes and pushed the thought to the back of her mind so that she didn't have to face the reality she was met with.
Alice didn't know how or when she got here but one thing she knew for certain was that she wanted to go home and to be as far away from this place as possible.

A few hours ago... (Jason)
Jason watched as Alice tried to pick herself up so that she could scold him of his obviously stupid and unnecessary idea but before she could even do so her legs had given way beneath her once more and began to head straight for the ground, before she had met with the ground, Jason had managed to grasp her waist so that she didn't cause herself further harm than she already had. From catching her, Jason didn't hesitate to pick her up and carry her through the apartment and out to his car, grabbing something to wrap Alice up in on the way. Nothing but Alice was running through his mind at this point and all he wanted to do was to make sure she was safe. Once he had strapped the girl into her seat, Jason quickly made his way to the drivers side, once strapped in, Jason shot a glance to the pale girl in his passenger seat, soft noises were leaving her mouth as her head remained dipped. Jason didn't wait a minute longer before leaving the complex and going straight to the hospital.

Present time
Jason paced back and forth the width of the room anxiously waiting for the young girl to wake. Not knowing the full extent of her injuries as this was the first time he was allowed to see her since she had been sent for various scans and tests.
After what seemed like forever, he heard the young girl stir around for a few seconds before a weakened voice call out to him.
"J-Jason" the older mans eyes shot towards the girl and immediately rushed to her bed side.
"Hey Alice, you scared me there!" He said softly, trying to hide the immense fear he was feeling at that current time. He took hold of her hand that was taken over by needles and bandages. It wasn't long until the doctor had come in to talk to the two about what had happened to Alice and what her tests had said.
"Alice Evans?" The doctor announced, flicking through her chart than hung at the end of the bed, this was the first time Jason actually heard her full name since she hated saying it to the point she never mentioned it to the man.
She nodded in response to the doctors question, discomfort plastered on her face.
"You seem to have quite a nasty concussion, Alice, not only that but a pretty bad gash to your head to which will probably need some stitching." Alice went stiff with fear, she tried what she could to hide that but her heart monitor began to pick up and pick up until the doctor noticed and tried reassuring the young girl. Jason, knowing that he was far from being able to calm her down pulled the doctor aside and explained her predicament that she and him were faced with.
"So quite a few mental health issues?" The doctor asked Jason nodded, "and where were you when this happened?" He asked, Jason answered "I was working downstairs in my apartment." The doctor furrowed his brows "there isn't a chance she did this purposely is there?" The doctor questioned, Jason was taken aback by what he said, what a stupid question he thought to himself. "No she wouldn't have, she told me when she found her she got up to quick and I believe her." Jason explained. The doctor seemed not that satisfied and began to explain his concern to the man, "Alice has been sectioned 4 times previously for trying to kill herself and for having severe uncontrollable harming episodes, that needs to be taken into consideration whenever she's brought to hospital for anything, minor or major." Jason was silent for a few moments, Alice had never told Jason any of this, yet again Alice didn't need to, it was her business but all he could do was be shocked over the fact that someone like Alice has gone to extremities to end her life on more than one occasion.
After a few further questions, Jason returned to Alice whilst the doctor went to get someone to patch up the gash on her head.
When someone finally came to do so, Alice put up well I guess you could say a fight, it ended in her being sedated for them to do so due to her immense fear of it all.
Soon enough, it was finally over and the pair were left alone once again.

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