•☯︎︎𝙲𝚑𝚊𝚙𝚝𝚎𝚛 𝟷𝟻☯︎︎•

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(skipping the discharge from hospital, sorry :/)
It's saturday, she leaves Tuesday
The drive home was silent, mostly filled with an occasional sigh every now and then from Jason. He was caught up in thought about the stream tonight and didn't know what to do about it.
"Hey my mother wants me to stay with her for a few days, I can't remember if I already told you but just so I remember that I've told you" she rambled on, Jason couldn't help but chuckle at her awful attempt at talking.
"I can't remember if you told me actually, do you need me to drive you there?" Jason asked whilst pulling into the apartment parking lot.
"Maybe, I'm not sure yet..." Alice shrugged. Jason could tell she was tired and her meds were obviously taking effect so he didn't try pushing more questions.
He knew the next few weeks were gonna be a bit more complex than normal since she's had more adjustments made but not only that the doctors said her episodes could become more violent due to the concussion, nothing as serious as the self harm however they feel that fainting is going to become an issue if she does have an episode...
              Milo jumped up onto Alice as soon as they entered the apartment, demanding fusses by his owner. Most therapy dogs are trained to not seek much attention from people, however, in Alice's case, that wouldn't have worked out.
After they got settled they tucked into all the food that Jason had previously prepared, which Alice thanked him for, and before they knew it, the evening had rolled around.
Jason, praying that Alice would fall asleep before 10 suggested that she go lay down after taking her final set of meds for the night, she agreed, obviously exhausted.

Jason's pov
           After Alice had gone to bed, and Jason was adamant that she was asleep, he quickly wrote a note incase the girl was to wake up and headed back down to his apartment.
Once he got in he saw that it was pretty close to his stream time so he didn't hesitate to get things rolling.
"Hey guys" he said, as the viewers became flooding into his live stream.
He started it off by answering various questions, nothing new just the usual 'how are you' 'how's your day been' 'any plans for the week/weekend' and obviously the odd donation every now and then.
After answering a few more questions, he then opened discord and joined the ongoing call.
"Corpse! Good noon" Rae announced, causing a chain reactions of hellos from the others, Jason laughed "it's 10pm Rae" she laughed also, "I know, it sounded better in my head I'll admit."
"Corpse where have you been?" Jack asked, obviously knowing he hadn't been properly active in a while.
"Yeah, lots of things have been going on lately, between keeping track of my music and obvious other commitments but it should start smoothing out soon" he answered, he wasn't lying but he also wasn't too truthful either, he knew he'd tell Jack sooner or later.
They all decided to play among us and straight off the bat, Jason's screen shone red Imposter.
Jason hated being imposter but, he was pretty good at it especially as Pewds was with him too, he knew this would be a funny round...

Alice's pov
           "Jason" Alice whined, listening to the emptiness of her apartment. She hated to admit it but she was overwhelmed with loneliness, she had woken up about an hour after Jason left.
Alice did her usual blinks and eye rubs before getting up and heading to the kitchen where she was met with a note.

"Got called for work,
Don't worry, you had your tablets before I left.
If you need anything just text me okay?

Love you shorty

         Alice's cheeks burned red, he didn't mean that
She thought to herself, she decided to curl up on the sofa with Milo and watch tv.
Switching on YouTube for a change she saw that Corpse_Husband was streaming so she decided to watch for a while. After listening for a few moments, she realised his voice sounded oddly like Jason's, amused by this she decided to text Jason.

Hey, I woke up :/
Decided to watch some
YouTube, do you know who
Corpse_Husband is?
I put on his stream,
You two sound so
Similar it's mad.
Hope work is going okay
Miss you dummy <3

         After sending the text, she drew her attention back to the screen where the man had just killed a crew mate, Spedicey. His character stopped for a sec and so did the mans train of thought, he was mid sentence when he was cut off suddenly but soon returned and carried on with what he was doing.
"S-sorry I uh I was just checking my phone" he laughed, nervously. Alice felt bad for this guy, she could tell he was anxious streaming, or so she thought it was because of the stream.
After watching for half hour, and still not getting a reply from Jason she decided to text him again.

I'm sorry to be a massive
Pain in the ass but
Could you come sit with
Me for a bit? I can't sleep :/
And I don't like being on
My own, sorry :(

         She set her phone down, not very hopeful for a reply and kept her focus on the screen.
"Hey, I'm gonna have to cut this stream short" Corpse announced, followed by an army of 'awhs' from his friends, luckily the round had just ended and he had obviously won. He left the lobby and soon ended his stream.
Alice, still oblivious, decided to get a drink whilst she thought of what to watch next.
Finally deciding on Dream, she picked up her phone again to see Jason had finally answered her.

                                     Hey! Sorry my phone was
                                             Charging, I'm on my way up                                                                       
                                             now, won't be long <3

It wasn't long after Alice had read that until she heard the familiar 5 knocks at the door, she smiled as she saw Jason soon enter afterwards.

Hey everyone, I hope you're enjoying so far, I just want to apologise for the irregular upload schedule, I'll be honest I do suffer with my mental health and it does prevent me from uploading due to its severity at times, however I'll be starting to 'bulk write' so that I have pre-written chapters ready (obviously I'll write then when I'm not having an episode) but again I'm so so sorry and if there's anything you guys would like from me in terms of where this book leads please don't be scared to tell me! I've been encouraging my viewers to suggest me ideas they think would be good for the book because I've always wanted to have a book where my viewers have been able to take part and get engaged in it :)
Anyways thanks so much for the support (1.15k I'm screaming omfg) again I'm sorry for the irregular schedule but I'll make it up to you <3

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