Chapter 1~

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         {your quirk is in the desciption by the way}
               {btw your kinda alt/gamer girl ish}
I woke up feeling pretty good, I mean I slept well and all. It was around 8:30 AM so I decided to go take a shower, brush my teeth and grab some breakfast. I grabbed some clothes and went to my bathroom and took a shower. I decided to brush my teeth in the shower because why not. It would take less time.
Once I got out of the shower, I put on the clothes I picked out and dried my hair. My morning was going pretty great. I decided it was time to go get some breakfast downstairs so that's what I did. Once I got down stairs I saw my mom and dad looking at me with a pretty serious look? " something wrong or?" I asked them.
"No sweetie nothings wrong but me and your father have something to tell you!" My mom said kind of nervously. I started to get bit worried because this was odd.
"So, do you remember that business trip me and your mother told you about?" My dad asked me. "Yes? The one your supposed to be going on in three weeks right?" I say.
"Well me and your father got a call saying we had to leave a bit early.." my mom says.
"Like how early..?" I ask.
"Well later today..around two..we already have things packed and will have to leave at about one o'clock to make it to the airport.." my mom says
"What?! And I couldn't be told about this a bit sooner?" I say
"Well that part definitely wasn't the worst of it..and we didn't figure you would take it lightly" my dad says looking over at my mom as she shook her head in agreement to what my dad said
"Me and your father got you a..well..a babysitter" my mom says
"What?!? I'm literally 18 why do I need a babysitter?!? I can handle myself!" I say angrily
"Please calm down. Me and your mother figured it would be best for all of us to have someone watching over you and making sure you're protected" my dad says
"Honey you're quirk.." my mom says
"Huh-?" I said as I noticed the purple and black colored smoke around me and the toaster levitated
"Oh I'm sorry" I say stopping my quirk
"It's fine" my dad says
"But you will survive! It's only a month it's not like he's-" my mom was saying before I cut her off
"He?!?" I say as my voice shrieked
"Yes, honey your sitter is a male but don't worry he not like 40 years old or anything he's closer to your age" my dad says
"Think of him as more of a body guard..even we think he looks a bit more on the scary side so I don't think people are going to mess with you! Plus he has a fire quirk! Very protective!" My mom says
"Okay, I'm sorry for blowing up and getting mad. What's his name?" I ask
"Dabi. His name even sounds a bit frightening!" My dad says
"Your dad actually knows him!" My mom adds
I shook my head in a 'okay' kind of look
"So when's he getting here?" I ask
"About 12!" My mom says
"Dang that's pretty soon.." I say
"Yea, me and your mother wanted to give you the chance of meeting him before we left" my dad says
"Ok cool" I say as I grab a plate for my toast
I sat down and started eating
"So is everything okay now?" My mom asks me
"Yup, nothings wrong. Things are good" I say
"Okay great! Me and your father are going to go and look over the things we have packed to make sure we haven't forgotten anything!" My mom says as my dad smiles
I gave her a thumbs up then she walked away
I then continued eating my breakfast. "I really wasn't okay with it..why do I need a babysitter??its pointless." I thought to myself

{time skip brought to you by me!}

I had been sitting in my room on my phone for a awhile now until I heard the doorbell ring and my mom yell for me "Honey! He's here!"
I fix my hair a bit before going downstairs
When I was walking downstairs I saw him, this man. He was so mysterious! He had like 33 face piercings he looked like he had burns on his lower face and under eyes. But those eyes..they were light blue and tantalizing..this man was kinda hot
I continued walking down the stairs because I probably looked like a creep just standing there staring
"Hi" he said
I almost fell down the stairs- his voice was so deep and just wow
"Uh h-hi" I manage to say
"I'm y/n nice to m-meet you" I say
"Ha nice to meet you to I'm dabi" he says holding his hand out"
I hesitated but then I shook his hand..I noticed the rings on his fingers and how His veins stuck out and I felt myself blushing a bit-

{word count: 878!}

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