All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

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Author's Note:

Remember that enemies to lovers cheesy lesbian Christmas special that you'd been asking for?

Set sometime between seasons one two and three.

Y'know, the ones where Addison Montgomery was at Seattle Grace and Meredith Grey was an intern.


All I Want For Christmas (Is To Give My Love Away)

The last thing that Addison Montgomery bargained for was to absolutely hate the game of surgical 'secret Santa'.


"Come ON Addison, you HAVE to play with us!" Callie Torres pleads with her for the sixtieth time that afternoon.

"No way, absolutely not! I've got enough on my plate with eighteen surgeries in the next eight days because everybody seems to be having babies right before the holidays!" Addison Montgomery groans at her.

"Well this could cheer you up, don't you think?" offers Callie. "It's only a week!" she begs. "And besides, we have an uneven number now, so if you don't play how have we supposed to-"

"Not gonna happen, Callie," Addison glares at her. "So don't even bother trying!" she adds.

"You don't even want to see the holiday cheer when people bring you gifts all mysteriously? You won't be jealous when people are finding little stocking stuffers all over the place with their names on it, and you don't even get a single one?" Callie tries again.

"Nope. Not at all. Nada!" Addison turns the corner, attempting to get away from the reasonings of her best friend.

"You don't even want to do it so you can show me up at my own game?" Callie wiggles her eyebrows, trying out another tactic.

"Not gonna work on me, I'm not that competitive," Addison rolls her eyes teasingly.

"How about doing it so you can be better at it than Derek?" Callie smirks at Addison, and she knows she's won when Addison's expression falters for a split-second, and that's how Callie recognizes that she's finally struck a nerve.

"Get out-" says Addison, not wanting to crumble so quickly.

"Fine by me," Callie waves her arms in the air, as if in surrender.

She leaves the room, and Addison follows her, and Callie doesn't mention it for the rest of the day.

So Callie messages everyone and reports that they're going ahead with whatever numbers they have anyway.

And Addison Montgomery slips her name into the hat at the very last minute, without Callie ever having noticed it's presence at all.

"Alright, and last but not least, out of all of the interns, and all of the attendings..." Callie drags out her voice long enough for Mark to start doing a drumroll before Callie sighs at him and he stops tapping on the conference table.

"Addison Montgomery!" Callie announces in a chipper voice, only it's eclipsed by Mark announcing it over her because he, along with everyone else, already knew the answer.

Only Callie hadn't known the answer, because she thought that Addison hadn't put her name in, so she's staring wide-eyed in confusion as the redhead approaches her, and gestures for Callie to hand her the hat with the one remaining piece of paper on it.

"Bring it on," Addison challenges.

"But I thought you didn't want to?" Callie shrugs at the redhead.

"Wel, I didn't want to leave you hanging, now what kind of friend would I be?" offers Addison.

"Yeah, I guess you're glad that I put up with all of your drunken rampages, huh," Callie teases.

"Hey, I do not rampage!" says Addison.

"I probably would too, if my husband left me for a blonde perky intern, and doesn't even have the heart to divorce me yet" Callie teases.

"Hey, don't remind me," Addison groans.

"Oh, relax, it's not like you're gonna pick your husband's name out of there. I mean, what are the odds of that?" Callie giggles.

So Addison reaches into the hat, and unfolds the paper, and then puts it into her pocket.

"You're not gonna tell me who it is?" Callie whines at her.

"Well then it wouldn't be a secret Santa, now would it?" says Addison.

"Yeah, I guess you're right about that one. Good luck, and remember the price limit!" Callie insists to her.

"I will," Addison says in a singsong voice.

As Callie scampers away to put her hat back into her locker, Addison takes the slip of paper out of her pocket and opens it again to make sure that she wasn't hallucinating the first time.

But nope, apparently, her eyesight's 2020 even with the glasses because as fate has it, she's somehow acquired the name of her archenemies;

Meredith Grey.

Addison nearly loses it at the sight alone, but instead, she keeps it together, and she tries to think of a plan.

'This could be good, actually...' Addison thinks to herself.

'Maybe if I get really creative with these gifts, she'll fall in love with whomever she thinks is sending them, and then she'll stay the hell away from my husband,' Addison muses.

'Yes, that's definitely going to work!' Addison schemes to herself, as she plans on heading out to the mall later to begin her first round of hospital 'secret Santa.'

'Let the games begin!,' Addison laughs evilly to herself.


The mall ends up being completely packed, and Addison has to fight tooth and nail not to be run over by the overly stressed-out shoppers who are all trying to find the perfect package to go along with their other perfect packages.

Hi, may I help you with anything?" some very kind store person asks Addison.

"Huh?" Addison responds, lost in thought.

"Are you shopping for anyone in particular?" the stranger asks sweetly.

"Ha- oh, yes, see-" Addison cuts herself off before she explains that she's by some twisted fate shopping, anonymously, for her still?-husband's ex-mistresses' seven days' worth of holiday gifts.

"Do you know what they're into?" the store person tries.

'My husband,' Addison thinks in her head, but of course, she doesn't say that part aloud.

"Umm, I have no idea," Addison shrugs. "Do you have anything under twenty dollars?" Addison follows-up with that.

"Absolutely," she's led to the aisle with all of the items in her 'secret-Santa,' price range.

"Would you like a moment to decide?" this nice person asks her.

"That would be great," says Addison, eyes blurring at the overwhelming amount of choices.

Addison ponders what on earth this blonde woman would like. Is she into stuffed animals? No, that's probably too childish, Addison imagines. Books? Too academic. Music? Too tricky.

Addison keeps click-clacking her high-heels up and down the busy toy aisles before she picks out what she expects to be the very perfect gift to finally seduce her enemy for the most malicious of purposes.

"That'll be $19.99, how would you like to pay today?" The cashier says in a chipper voice.

And she's spot-on with the most impeccable price tag, to beat.


Author's Note:

Any guesses as to what Meredith's first secret-Santa gift is? The first correct guess will win a 100-word Meredith/Addison one-shot of your choice :).


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