Chapter 35: Amidst the Flames

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Kai's POV

We have finally reached the Kagero clan. Miwa, being the idiot that he is, began to run and discover the whole place with sparkling eyes. That idiot doesn't even know where to go yet he left us. I muttered under my breath. "Should we go after him?" Dragonic Overlord asked telepathically. "Of course." Dauntless Drive Dragon said.

We finally caught up with Miwa when he accidentally crashed into something. We took him away just before other units could start a commotion. "Thanks, you guys are lifesavers!" He grinned. "Miwa, next time don't let curiosity control your tiny brain." I said.

"Ouch Kai! That really hurt. For once in your life, can't you try saying something good about me?"


"It was worth the shot."

Miwa's POV

Kai wasn't the type of person who talks too much but that was also why no one could really win in an argument against him. Knowing that winning wasn't an option, I skipped to another subject. "Kai, do you have an idea on how to strengthen your bond with Dragonic Overlord?" He didn't respond so I tried to ask the same question to his avatar. "I honestly think that we don't need much training. My Vanguard and I already share an unbreakable bond after training in the desert." The dragon said. "Wait!" I turned to Kai, "How did you find time to train without us noticing?"

"Before you came here. Takuto had already told me beforehand so I took the time waiting for you and the others to train my newfound ability." Kai said. Suddenly Dragonic Overlord interfered before I could reply, stating that we are at our destination. Again, my eyes grew wide the moment I saw what was inside the castle. Dragons are everywhere! I know this is a clan of dragons but still... "THIS PLACE IS HUGE!!" I screamed. I was about to run around when I felt someone hit me before I lose consciousness.

Kai's POV

To prevent Miwa from running away and hurting himself AGAIN, I hit him in the neck. Dauntless Drive Dragon then took him to his room while Dragonic Overlord led me to mine.

That night, while we ate, Miwa began causing another ruckus with the other units so my avatar and I went for a little walk so we could enjoy some peace and quiet. As we entered the gardens, we were surprised to find another unit. The dragon saw us and approached us with an unexpected request...

The next day...

Miwa's POV

I was awoken by Red Pulse Dracokid. I haven't seen Kai since last night and knowing him, he might still be in his bedroom. Might as well check on him.

Kai wasn't in his room so I decided to check other places. He was the person who loves to wander off so I stayed calm. I asked other units but they hadn't seen him either. I was also told that Dragonic Overlord has gone missing as well. Their probably training some more.

Two days have past and I began to worry about Kai. He hasn't come back since the first day we came here. I finally consulted my avatar about it but sadly, he too, has no idea to where those two could have gone. "But you need not to worry, my Vanguard. I'm sure they're are fine. They probably went to their next destination ahead of time." He said. "Yeah, your right. Kai was never the person to tell what he's thinking." I replied.

Dauntless Drive Dragon's POV

Although I reassured my Vanguard about the leader and his Vanguard, I can't help but worry about them as well. Dragonic Overlord has always been the reckless one and in the situation we're in, there are plenty of negative possibilities. To ease my mind, I flew to the land of the Royal Paladins to check if my hunch is right. Sure enough, I saw Dragonic Overlord in the outskirts of the village.

Dragonic Overlord's POV

After completing the request we've been given, me and my Vanguard set our course for the Royal Paladin clan, where we were to meet with Blaster Blade and the Royal Paladin Vanguard. Two days have past since we left the Kagero clan and I began to wonder if Dauntless Drive is doing great with his task. I then noticed a familiar dragon coming towards me. Must have been worried about us... I thought to myself.

"What brings you here Dauntless Drive Dragon?" I asked once the dragon landed in front of me. "Can't I see a friend Dragonic Overlord? You have left so suddenly that most of us thought you were caught by the enemy." He replied.

"I apologize for the trouble then. My Vanguard and I simply accepted a request by an old friend. He said it was an emergency."

"Oh, and who is this old friend?"

I sighed as I came near him, whispering the situation to him. Dauntless Drive stood silent at first then he finally understood. We talked a little more after until the sun lit up. "It's high time I leave." He said. "Then I bid you adieu." I replied. "Till next time." He said with the leaving.

Miwa's POV

He's late I said to myself as I waited in our usual training ground. Our bond grew over the pass few days but I don't think it's enough. I needed to know him more as well as get use to this lifestyle. After a few minutes, my avatar arrived. "I apologize for the delay, my Vanguard. I went to see a friend." He said almost immediately after landing. "It's alright! At least you came right. With Kai and Dragonic Overlord gone missing, I'm not sure what to think anymore." I replied. "About that..." then he explained the situation. "I see. Ok then! We better catch up to them if we want to past this trial!" I said with an enthusiastic tone and that's what we did.


Gomenasai for the wait... and probably the boring chapter. I wrote Miwa's last pov in a hurry so I could update immediately.

Read, comment, vote and enjoy minna~♡

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