Chapter 44: Representatives for the Vanguards

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Hello minna-san! Gomenasai for the late update!! * bows down and back repeatedly right now due to guilt*

Anyway, before the chapter begins, I just want to say that this chapter is overdue. I was supposed to update days ago, but Wattpad thought it was funny and deleted the first and second version of this chapter. I know that conflict thing (or what I call writer's block) is bad, but this is just super weird.

So, instead of complaining about it and getting mad, I decided to improve this chapter. (Personally, I think the first one was not worth reading. Sure it was a long chapter but I still had second thoughts on whether to update or not. So I guess I also have to thank Wattpad for deleting it since it gave me a slightly fresh start for this chapter.) Hope you enjoy it~♡

A week after their separation, the Vanguards (with an exemption of Aichi and Kai) finally prepare for the most anticipated day of their training. And as planned, they all head towards the Genesis clan for their long awaited reunion.

Meanwhile, since Aichi and Kai were in no condition to attend their little reunion, Alfred had asked Marron, along with another to go to the Genesis clan in their stead.

Marron's POV

- Royal Paladin Palace -

Walking back and forth outside the human infirmary of the Royal Paladin clan. Worry etched in each and every one of us as we waited for any news regarding the two Vanguards and their avatars.

Many of us from the clan witness how Seeker, Thing Saver Dragon landed outside the palace gates a few hours ago while holding four units and their Vanguards. Obviously struggling to balance all six. The seven of them looked terrible, but the bruises Thing Saver Dragon possessed were not as bad as the rest.

As if someone had quickly informed them, all the healers of our clan began to come out. They quickly took the injured inside the palace and into the infirmaries each of them had fit, the rest of us helped them in doing so. The white dragon was also brought to the dragon infirmary so they could treat his wounds.

Now, the units who helped in bringing them inside, waited outside the infirmary in hopes of receiving good news. Finally, after hours of waiting, Ardent Jewel Knight, Polli , came out. Anticipation evident on the rest of us as we gathered to hear what the healer had to say.

"Good news everyone! The injuries were not as bad as we thought and they've all been successfully treated. All they need now is a few days of rest and they'll be fine! Other than that, there is absolutely no life threatening wound in all of them." Polli said with glee. I let out the breath I didn't know I held as relief came in all of us.

"That's good to hear!" White Dragon Knight, Pendragon while we all nodded our heads in agreement.

After that, we units began to disperse and go do whatever we were doing before. Future Knight, Llew and I decided to go to the palace gardens for some fresh air and a moment to think.

Llew's POV

"Let's be honest here. With everything that's been happening up until now, do you really think we still have a chance against Yami? Cause I don't think we can even fight that force on even grounds" I asked as my thoughts roamed around the past events that's been happening because of Yami's evil desire to take over.

"Hey! Don't say that!" Marron exclaimed. I quickly turned to him in disbelief.

"Marron, you know the situation. How can you still be so positive about it?"

"Because I believe in our Vanguards and our leaders! Besides, we've been through similar situations like these yet we're still alive and well!" The determination in his eyes began to show as hope filled his very being. But I still had doubts.

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