Chapter 45: The Beginning of the End

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The Vanguards (with an exemption of Aichi and Kai), the Guardian and the unit representative/s of each clan had gathered at the Genesis clan for a meeting. And with the recent incident that had occurred because of the enemy, the fire burning within each and every one of them grew even more and their determination to defeat Yami followed with it.

But before they could fight the force, let alone confront him, they needed a strategy first.

Marron's POV

I will not deny that the Vanguards are capable of setting us free from Yami's control with the help of their avatars and a perfect plan. However, I admit that I actually have doubts about entrusting the future of Cray to them. Especially since time is running out and they don't seem to realize that...

"We will not use bait to lure Yami in!!" Said the Vanguard with blond hair and purple eyes, whom I now know is Tetra Burst Dragon's Vanguard.

"I agree with Leon." The Guardian said in agreement. "We cannot take the risk of losing another ally. That will only mean that we've given up on saving the Planet Cray and surrendered our freedom to Yami."

"How many plans have been suggested so far?" Seeker, Sacred Wingal asked.

"That was the fifteenth... and the worst one yet." Replied Percival.

"As well as the fifteenth to be denied." Asura Kaizer sighed.

"Anyone else?" The Guardian asked. "How about the units? Have you thought of anything that could lead us to Yami's weakness? Something that doesn't involve sacrifice, bait, spying or attacking recklessly."

"None so far. If we did, we would have already suggested it." Tetra Burst Dragon said in our behalf.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but I wish the Royal Paladins were here right now. We could have already made a perfect plan with them around." Blaster Dark sighed.

"And from what clan do you think we came to represent?" I whispered to myself, but loud enough for everyone to hear. A tick mark was visible on my head. Everyone laughed at this while Blaster Dark simply looked at me.

"I was talking about the units the Vanguards have entrusted." He then smirked when I didn't reply.

"Now, now. Enough fighting." The Guardian said. "We don't have time to argue between ourselves."

Both of us didn't speak, thus ending that argument with the Shadow Paladin leader as the winner.

"Anyway, back to more important matters..." the red haired Vanguard beside Blaster Dark (Ren) started. "Yami isn't our only problem remember? We also have to figure out a way to defeat that mysterious unit aiding our enemy."

"True. But how do we find his or her weakness when we don't even know who he or she is?" The Vanguard with red orange hair and golden eyes (Naoki) stated.

"Well, you do have a point there. All we know about the unit is that he or she must have some long ranged weapon as to attack while unnoticed." Said the Vanguard with blond hair and gray eyes (Miwa).

"Actually, if I recall correctly... I think the unit was an archer." A Vanguard with cyan hair and red eyes (Gaillard) wondered out loud. All eyes were fixed on him the moment he said that.

"And how did you come up with that guess?" The yellow haired Vanguard beside Tetra Burst Dragon, whose name I just discovered is Leon, questioned.

"Ummm..." the Gold Paladin Vanguard hesitated so Bluish Flame Liberator, Percival answered on his Vanguard's behalf.

"We have discovered that after my Vanguard, the Royal Paladin leader and I saw Platina Ezel and his Vanguard in terrible condition a day before they had departed for the Royal Paladin clan. We found them in a field surrounded by arrows and blood. The blood probably belonged to them as well."

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