Chapter 31: Traumatized by the Past part 2

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Kai's POV

"Toshiki, I don't know how to say this to you but... your parents met an accident." Uncle said. No... pls, it can't be. "Uncle, pls tell me you're joking!" He stayed silent. I ran to him and held his shirt tight. "At least tell me their alright."

"I'm sorry..."

That simple word broke my heart. I lost it and ran away.Though uncle kept calling my name, I didn't stop. I ran and I ran, tears were pouring out my eyes so I didn't know where I was going but it doesn't matter. All I want is my parents to come back. I couldn't believe that their dead, I just can't!

After awhile, I stopped. Opening my eyes, I realized that I'm in a beautiful yet empty field probably in the outskirts of town. It was full of flowers that look majestic during spring, the wind was blowing while the trees and other plants were swaying through the gentle breeze. All in all, the scenery was peaceful. I decided to stay here and clear my mind of everything but it's calm image seemed to make me feel worse. 'Mom... dad... I wish you could see this...' with those thoughts, I drifted to sleep.

When I woke up, I wasn't in the field anymore. But rather, I was back in my room. I didn't question it since I can guess that it was uncle who had brought me back.

Remembering all that's happened yesterday, I began losing myself again. "Why didn't I tell them sooner! I could've stopped this from happening." I scolded myself. I saw their doom in a vision before yet I never warned them.  "I saw this coming... but why? Why couldn't I save them?" "Because you're weak!" An unfamiliar voice suddenly spoke.  "You're so weak that you can't even find the courage to get over your parent's deaths. A soft hearted fool like you could easily break. You can never save your parents even if you tried!" "Who said that?" I tried looking around but I was the only one in my room. "You don't remember do you?"


"Ha! The more you have proven my point."

Ok, now this voice is just making me sick. "Enough with the riddles! Just tell me who you are."

"This is just an illusion! A fragment of your memory. Your making this pain yourself since you can't forget about the accident. All of it is because of your weak heart. Your trauma will just let you remember the regret over and over again. It shall continue until the darkness consumes you completely!" What? What did he just say? This... this is just a piece of my memory?


Aichi's POV

After hours of waiting for him to finish, Kai began sweating. I thought of it as a sign that he is on the verge of overcoming the test but it looks like Blaster Blade had something else in mind.

"What's happening to him?" I asked as we stood up at the same time. "Oh no! If he doesn't pass this soon..." Blaster Blade said in alarm. "What's gonna happen to him?" Ren asked. "Yami is interfering with Toshiki Kai's test."

"What?!?" We said in unison. "Isn't there a way to help him?" Naoki asked. "We cannot simply interfere with his test I'm afraid. He has to overcome the enemy by himself." the unit said with a hint of guilt.

"And if he doesn't?"

"Then all hope is lost. Toshiki Kai fails his trial and you will all have to return to Earth. He, on the other hand, will be consumed by the darkness... his clan along with him."

Kai's POV

While trying to process what was happening, a black cloud surrounded me... fear struck in my heart and everything started to get blurry. 'What's going on? What's happening to me? Is my heart really as weak as the voice says?' Those were the questions filling my head right now. Then the picture of the blue haired boy suddenly came in my mind.

The kid was all bruised up. He was afraid, as if he gave up all hope in life... he's like me right now. I feel like the world is falling around me and that there's no hope left for me. Before I could continue feeling sorry for myself, another realization came to me. I remember that glimmer of hope filling his eyes that day. It's like that Blaster Blade card I gave suddenly changed him entirely. How did he do it? How did he find hope... and in a card no less?

Suddenly, I felt a strange power surround me, surging through my eyes. As it released me of my dark prison, one word came into mind, PSY Qualia. I don't know where the word came from but all I know is that this strange light in my eyes gave me hope.

"No..." I started to defend myself. "Your lying! Having a soft heart doesn't mean I'm weak... it only means that I'm strong enough to care for others... to mourn for those who left. Having a soft heart also means that I can thank those who put me down." Filled with newfound determination, I did what was almost impossible to do. I thanked the evil voice. "Honestly, I have to thank you."

"WHAT?!?" It/he sounds surprised.

"Were not for you... I would be able to accept my parents' deaths. You made me realised the reality of life. Without you trying to discourage me, I would have never moved on. So if you think you overpowered me... THINK AGAIN!" I screamed, then I felt the force of which the voice came from leave. After the leaving, pictures started to fill my head. It seemed as if my memories returned to me and a bright flash of light engulfed my surroundings.

Aichi's POV

"Kai, pls be alright... pls dont let the enemy take you." worry was etched in each and everyone of us. The more we waited, the more we felt useless. "Kai is in there, confronting our enemy while we sit here and do nothing? Is there really nothing we can do?!?" Kamui burst out. "Kamui, even if we wanted to, we can't do anything about it. All we can do is hope he doesn't give in to the enemy." Misaki said. As if on cue, Kai woke up.

"Kai!" All of us (exept Blaster Blade) ran and tackled him. He looked surprised by the sudden reaction. "Can you get off me now... I can't breath!" Then we gave him some space to breath. "Sorry Kai, you gave us a heart attack when we found out that you might not make it." Miwa said. "And what makes you say that?" He asked. "Eh? Wasn't Yami in your test." Ren asked. "Yeah... I guess. I'm not sure since no one but a voice taunted me after I lost it." Kai replied.

"Could you at least tell us what happened." Kamui asked.

"That would be a secret for another day." Kai turned away and said. Whatever part of his past he had to deal with... it must be harsh. "Let's leave that be. Right now, we need to move on to the next part of our training. Am I right, Blaster Blade."

"That's right. We need to move quickly. Yami is getting much closer to his full power now, and he is bound to strike soon."

"Then we better hurry it up then! I don't want another freaky force scaring me in my sleep!" Naoki said as he probably recalled what the Void has done through Link Joker. We laughed at his little joke before we got ready for the next regimen. "Let's do this!"

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