Chapter 39: Nature's Light

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Chris' POV

The Nature Zone, located west of the Dark Zone, across the ocean. It took us a day, but thanks to the dragon Blaster Blade had asked to bring us, me and my avatar finally made it to the Great Nature Clan.

Once I was settled, Battler of the Twin Brush, Polaris led me to a field where we were to train and build our bonds. After a little training exercises, we ventured the forests near the clan then got back when it got dark. This routine lasted for the first three days.

On the third day of our training, as we finished our usual training, something glew in the nearby forest. What is that?I asked myself and went to check it out. Polaris followed behind.

As we entered the forest, the glowing shone brighter. We followed the light till we found what was causing the light. In the middle of the forest was a tree. The tree was shinning beautifully. It's enchanting aura made me feel like all my problems dissappeared while I looked at it.

"That is the Tree of Hope, a tree that holds all life here in the Nature Zone." Polaris said, snapping me off my trance. " As the name states, this tree is the light and hope of the Nature Zone. Though it doesn't technically hold the life of the units here, we would be nothing without the tree and everything it holds."

"I see." I said. The tree may not look like it but it held great significance to the clan and their nation. As the Vanguard of the Great Nature clan, I felt the same way about it.

"Ahem" my avatar interrupted the peaceful silence. "It's getting late, my Vanguard. We best head back." I hesitated at first, wanting no more than to keep this peaceful state last. But I knew that wasn't possible so I nodded and we both turned in for the night.

Polaris' POV

What am I to do? I told myself as I watched my Vanguard heading to his room. I too, wanted to rest but the disturbance I felt back at the forest haunted me. If anything, I fear it served as a warning. A warning given to us by the Tree of Hope.

The tree had never been wrong once. It's warnings had saved this nation more than I can count. Many times, we tend to ignore it. However, each time we do, great destruction befalls our land. Last time we rejected it, some of our units fell under Link Joker's command. I was one of those who ignored the tree that time for the thought of being strong enough to beat the invaders kept me from reality. I blamed myself for what happened then. This time, I will make sure that nothing happens to the nation, my people and my Vanguard.

The next day...

Chris' POV

I woke up earlier than usual and it looks as if trying to go back to sleep was an impossible task so I decided to walk awhile.

Upon reaching the forest from yesterday, I couldn't help but feel uneasy. The light of the tree in the middle suddenly grew dim so I went to check it out even if I felt like this was a bad idea.

The moment I got there, I immediately regret my decision.

For when I arrived, Yami was right next to the Tree of Hope, taking away the source of every life in this nation. An evil grin escaped his lips, as if he had been expecting me.

"Well well well, look what we have here." The force turned human spoke as he approached me while I tried my best to step back little by little, in hopes of making an escape.

"It's a shame that you decided to leave your avatar and his card back at the palace. This would have been more fun if you chose otherwise." Yami let out an evil laugh. "But this just make things too easy."

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