14 | Elvira

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"What the actual hell!" I shove him but all he does is laugh

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"What the actual hell!" I shove him but all he does is laugh.

I move away from him groaning. We are back at the same place. We never left actually. I wanted to stay here longer, and Kade is the only person here, I am sure Arya has got herself some plans. 

"Oh come on. It was fun seeing you two get cosy together," I just roll my eyes and keep walking away from him while wrapping my arms around myself. 

No one told me it gets this cold even in summer on evenings. It is getting darker but also colder. Despite it being July.

By all this, I know the idea of Zane being a part of the last few pictures, was Kade's.

"Kade just move away, I am so mad at you," he turns me around by my arm but his smile stops mid-way as soon as his eyes land on my neck.

"What the fuck?!" His eyes are now massive as he stares at whatever is on my neck.

"What?" I ask while running my hand over my neck. What is it? 

"Did you- No it can't be, you won't do this while being at work," he shakes his head but there is disbelief in his eyes. He narrows them probably trying to make out what is on my neck. My mind is thinking of everything and anything that could be on it.

My heart is now hammering against my chest. And he isn't telling what it is!

"Kade just tell me," but he brings me closer to a street lamp just near the stairs.

Maybe it's make up from the artist?

"You have a hickey on your neck. Wait but it doesn't look like it, it's a-" he moves his head closer with each word he is saying but I know what it is.

I shove him away from me and turn my back to him. 

Taking my phone out, I tap the camera app and try to see it. 

It isn't that massive; it looks like a very light red spot. But still there nonetheless.

Did Zane really bite that hard that it left a freaking mark? What is he a wolf? The fuck? 

I rarely swear but this is seriously so frustrating. The audacity of this man.

"Why are you frowning? And why do you look like you are constipated with that look?" I don't answer. 

"Give me your phone. Give it now!" he starts to back away when he sees my angry face.

"Uhh..." I give him my deadliest stare.

"Alright woman." he takes it out and hands it over to me. I quickly look through his contacts and find Zane's phone number, I put it in my phone and give it back to him.

I quickly ring the phone as I tap my foot against the pavement. 

"Who the hell-"

"Shut up!" I say straight away cutting him off. The line goes quiet but not declined.

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