7| Zane

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Office. Work. Coffee. Home.

And then all over again.

It has been only a few days since the event has happened. Only a few days since the theory has been confirmed. A very interesting one that I will for sure use to my advantage. And perhaps entertainment.

I smirk as I think this.

"Why the hell are you grinning at your paper? Have you lost it?" I hear Kade's voice in the office.

"So I guess there is no such thing as knocking right?" Lifting my eyes from the paper in front of me, I see he has more papers in his hand.

"These need your signatures for the deal to go forward. And this right here, needs your attention since you need to read through the average annual report." He puts papers in front of me, explaining each one.

"And this is just a draft of some of the deals you have considered at the event the other day," I nod my head while quickly skimming through the papers.

"I will get them done before the afternoon and I need you email me the spreadsheet of Mr. Kenneth's department. Also, I need the advert for the interview for a new manager up and get Lana to interview the candidates."

"Alright, is that all?"

"Yeah," I lean back in my seat and look at the ceiling. Hearing shuffling, I look where Kade was and see him still there. I raise my eyebrows in question and he just fidgets.

"Do you need anything?" I get up from the desk and round to go and sit on the sofa adjacent to the desk. As soon as I hit the sofa, instantly my body relaxes from the building pain in my shoulders.

I close my eyes and let my head fall back. I release a groan at the tiredness.

"Kade. You have got to speak up, what did you need or is it that you just came to give your daily dose of annoying Zane?"

"Kade?" I open my eyes when he doesn't answer and look at him. He is standing against the floor to ceiling glass wall with his back towards me.

Frowning in confusion, I get up and walk over to him. Now that I actually am able to see him, I notice his mouth moving along with him making gestures with his hand. I look out the window where he is looking and I must say, I am surprised.

A little someone is standing in the other building, talking back in some weird sign language, to Kade.

"Kade!" My voice booms in the empty office and he jumps from the sudden voice.

"Ha. Ha. Ha. I was just waving the birds who were...trying to..uh...take a shit on your window," then he clicks his fingers like he just got a question right.

"Yeah! That's it! They were trying to shit on you-I mean the window," he nods his head like it is going to convince me.

I just stare at him.

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