3| Zane

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I highly advise you to listen to the song attached!
Song listed at the top: Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello

I highly advise you to listen to the song attached!Song listed at the top: Never Be The Same by Camila Cabello

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In frustration, I kick the tire of my car and groan. The heat of the sun is blazing down and here I am, stuck with my car shut down. This is literally the worst day for my car to shut down. I will be late if I don't get a ride to the office soon.

I ring Kade up in hopes of him helping me. The phone rings but he doesn't pick up. Ending the call, I ring him again.

"Hello?" He answers.



"My damn car just shut down," I hear clicking sound of typing telling me he is already at the office.

"Do you know the problem?" He asks.

"Do I look like a mechanic to you? No I don't. The car probably just heated up," I roll my eyes. Although it's the morning, the heat is quite intense and it's really becoming a problem right now. It's July after all.

"Well I can't get anyone to get your other car since that one is at the repair shop too. You don't like driving your sports cars to the office either so I guess you're stuck?"

I groan in annoyance.

"Now what?" I loosen the tie around my neck and unbutton the first button. A slight gush of wind ruffles up my hair but I run a hand through to tame them.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at.... near a café. The one in front of the petrol station." I hear him typing again.

"So you are approximately, ten minutes away from the office. Walking will take you around twenty,"

"Well now you just got to find an Uber or get a taxi here. I will try my best to keep the marketing team to wait," he explains. He then hangs up after explaining where I might find a taxi, if not then I have to run. Which is not something I will be doing in my suit.

I look around me and see how no one is bothered by a man whose car has shut down. Everyone is just busy with their life paying no mind to their surroundings. Shameless to say, I am one of those people. I don't pay mind to anything other than work. I don't pay mind to anything else. I'm always so consumed by work that I don't have even time for anything else.

Glancing around, I try to spot anything that could help me but I don't. Dejected, I start walking on the sidewalk after locking my car. Kade will just send someone to collect it after anyway.

After a few minutes of walking I spot a yellow car. Relief washes over me in waves and I rush to the side of the road. Looking both ways, when I don't spot a car coming, I cross the road.

"Hey," I say tapping on the driver's shoulder. He turns around waits for me to finish. I need to be nice to him as he could be my only ride there.

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