32 | Zane

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Song listed at the top: Slow Down by Chade Atlantic

Song listed at the top: Slow Down by Chade Atlantic

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Having no control over myself occurs rarely. I hate it when that happens because it means I don't know what is going on around me which sets me in danger for the unknown. 

I hate feeling like that. And that so happens to be how I feel right now. All because of Violet. Elvira. 

Never have I been so confused for myself of how I feel towards her. Having these weird emotions running through me makes me so damn confused that I don't know what to make of them. Yet this only happens when she is around, when I am thinking of her which so happens to be all the damn time. I don't understand but at the same time, I do.

There is rising danger between us, instead of thinking of that, I am thinking about Violet. 

I told her I call her that because she reminds me of the flowers and that is true. It fits her so well and despite it all, I love calling her this too. Her laughing, the teasing smirk she gives me when she has something on her mind, the soft twinkle in her eyes that is always there. 

Everything about her amazes me. 

She seems so delicate yet so strong. An exact replica of glass. Just how strong glass is but breaks easily. And I fear at times that she will break. Or my truth may cause her to her smile to drop, her laugh to stop and possibly push her away from me. 

I don't want that because as much as I hate to say this, her being around me makes me feel so much lighter. The dark cloud that looms over me isn't there when she is with me. She's my sunshine on rainy days. And I want to be selfish and keep it to myself.

I can't think of my days without seeing her do something dumb when she is caught off guard. When she doesn't smile at me. I love teasing her, her body responding to my touch seems to add to the flame burning already.

"And that is final. I hope we have a deal Mr. Roman." I look up to see everyone in the board room looking at me expectedly. 

"Yes. But I want all the copies of the reports sent to me to review personally before I sign anything." I tell them before getting up and walking right out the conference room, done with the day. 

"Kade add whatever I said to the list for tomorrow." I sigh as I rub my temple.

"Already done." My eyes flicker to the grin on his face making me frown. Why is he smiling? 

"What?" I ask but he shrugs making me roll my eyes. 

Soon we arrive to inside my office. I walk towards my desk but spot a white box on top of it. I turn to silently ask Kade what it is but he isn't even inside. He purposely stayed outside so I don't question him. That idiot knows about this.

I walk closer to it turning it towards me to see a clear lid. It's donuts. Four donuts to be specific. I frown because I did not ask Kade to bring me any donuts at all. I look up to see a figure standing in the building next to me, watching me. 

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