26 | Elvira

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"No. No I didn't. Get away from me," I move away from him, being disgusted because here he is standing in front of me like he didn't just ruin my life ten years ago. 

He ruined my state of mind with his sick actions. Made me wake up in the middle of the night because I was faced with the same horrific night of my parents' death again, and again. Making me feel like the same naïve minded girl who didn't listen to her parents.

He tilts his head with a sinister smirk.

"Oh come on. Don't be acting as if I am stranger to you," he says smugly.

"What are you two doing here?" Zane asks calmly. Almost as if he has been faced with this before. Like he knows what he is doing and talking about. But when does Zane not know what he is saying?

I look at him but am not able to stand the image. With the woman's arm wrapped around his waist, she is clutched to his side as if she is glued to him. The same pain returns but I ignore it.

"Nothing." I grit out making his eyes snap to me. His face falters from the angry expression when he sees my face. Blinking, he looks at the woman next to him before looking back at me. 

Shaking my head, I turn to leave. Walking around Kaden, I go towards the front doors. Obviously, Zane knows them but I cannot stand in the same room as Kaden. I don't know who this woman is with him but I couldn't care less. And judging by what I am seeing, she seems to be very close to Zane anyway. 

A tight grip on my forearm stops me so I follow the hand to the owner and see Kaden's face.

"Let go Kaden." I tell him trying to keep my cool.

"But I just came. Wouldn't want to miss the fun now, would we?" I glare at him, shaking my arm in hopes to release it.

"No. I don't want to be anywhere near your fucked up self," his brows raise at my swearing.

"Little old Elvira growing up huh? Well, I guess you aren't the same anymore. I guess it's my duty to help..." he trails off before moving closer to my ear.

"Destroy the small pieces that are left. I guess the killing of your parents wasn't enough. No matter what, you're connected to me and you can't do anything about that," I have not felt this much anger in me ever. But him mentioning my parents wasn't doing a good job for him.

Raising my hand, I slap him so hard across the face that his head whips to the side. Instantly, he lets go of my arm and presses a hand to where I slapped him. He turns to me with a cold glare and I almost coward back. Almost.

"Don't you fucking dare talk about them with your filthy and disgusting mouth. I don't want you fucking near me. Go fuck yourself Kaden. And leave me the fuck alone." My voice is laced with venom as I keep going.

I can feel the warm tears streaming down my face, breathing heavily because I am tired of him. I harshly wipe the tears away not wanting to look weak in front of him. I look at Zane to see shock written across his face. 

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