Part 15.5

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"What are you doing?" Isshiki asked, entering the kitchen.

"Good morning, Satoshi." Yumi beamed at him as she stirred the iron wok in front of her. "I'm preparing breakfast."

"Fried rice... in the morning." He asked, raising a brow.

"With spicy oyster tofu soup." She nods twirling the ladle in hand.

"Whatever happened to omelets... or toast."

"Hey, don't discriminate against my choice in meals." Yumi shoved the ladle into his hand. "Here take over, so have less work, cough* I mean, take a break."

He rolled his eyes, shaking his head. Despite all that, on his face was an undeniable smile. Isshiki wastes no time taking over, while Yumi checks on the soup.

"Yo, what's for breakfast?" Soma asked, peeking his head through the door.

"Spicy oyster tofu soup, with fried rice." Yumi answers. "What level of spice do you want? 2 or 3?"

"What's the difference?"

"4 it is." She said adding more chili oil into the soup.

"Way to go, Yukihira. We're all gonna have diarrhea after breakfast, along with a severe loss of taste buds." Isshiki sighs in distraught, while secretly enjoying the drama. "We're gonna need more rice to combat the spice."

"Well rice tastes good, so it's fine." Soma laughs carefreely. "Or maybe we should use bread instead."

"Soup's done, how's the rice looking?" Yumi asks, turning off the stove.


"How did you mess up fried rice?" Yumi facepalmed.

"It was overcooked when you had me take over." Isshiki points out. "Didn't you notice I wasn't using any flames?"


"Hello Erina, Alice." Yumi approached the two after spotting them at the public pool. "Never thought I'd see you hotshots showing your skins in public."

"That's Nakiri to you." Erina crossed her arms. "Do you know how much mess you caused during the Preliminary?"

"And that's why you Elite Ten exists in the first place," Yumi smirks. "To make sure the events go smoothly. If you can't even handle an oddball, like me then quit." She then turns to the other, "By the way, those are cute swimsuits."

"Well of course it is I chose them myself... I'm glad at least someone appreciates them." Alice glares at her cousin.

"Speaking of which, why aren't you wearing one." Erina points at Yumi's attire consisting of a black sports bra under a cropped white t-shirt and short ripped jeans.

"There's no rules saying that you have to wear a swimsuit," Yumi laughs. "What source did you get your information from."

"Alice!!" Erina shouts.


"Anyway, why did you bring so many guards to the local pool?" Yumi asks the two cousins while grabbing her stuff from the pool's locker room. "It's not like you're gonna get robbed or something."

"You tell me. Two beautiful young ladies next to the pool surrounded by normal healthy teenagers." Alice said. "What could possibly go wrong?"

"I'm not ignorant of human desires." Yumi rolled her eyes. "I'm just saying that it's overkill. That dog of yours is more than enough to scare away a couple of chickens."

"Better safe than sorry." Alice shrugs.

"Hey give me a ride," Yumi asks.

"Give me back my equipment." Alice pouts.

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