Part 6

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Yumi couldn't believe she spent an entire day figuring out where the Polar Star Dormitory is located. Asking around didn't help either. Everyone avoided her like the plague and those who will talk to her gave very vague directions. 

By the time she reached the building, it was already dark and the sun has long set, causing the building to look like a creepy haunted mansion one would only find in horror films.

"am I even in the right place," she muttered dragging her luggage. She didn't bring much, just her large collection of kitchen tools and books.

The door isn't locked which she thought was weird. she pushed it open with a click. "Hello?"

"well it's about time you showed up, I was about to head upstairs and call it a day." Someone spoke from within the dark.

Swallowing thickly she braced herself to face whatever demon lies before her. Clearly she watched too many horror movies when she should be studying.

The figure revealed herself, disappointed to see that it was only an old woman.

"you just thought 'old woman' didn't you." Those glowing hawk-like eyes honed in on her.

"n-no ma'am" she immediately denied the accusation. 'Busted' was all she can think at the moment.

"honestly I wouldn't have bothered with you, but Satoshi insisted that I wait for you." She lets out a sigh.

"Isshiki did?" 

"Well, he recently defeated the famed 'undefeated champion' Yumi, gaining lots of popularity for the dorm." She clapped her hands together and started reminiscing. "how nostalgic it reminded me of this dorm's golden age. Anyway, this is the least I can do."

Yumi sweatdropped listening to her ramble on about, whatever she was rambling about. "Really, he did huh?"

"yes, yes he said he recruited a promising rookie and wants me to welcome her," she said impatiently. "I can't believe you made me wait all day, and he didn't even give me a name."

Yumi immediately bows, "I'm sorry, I had difficulty finding this place and the school is ridiculously huge..."

"what? How is that possible, are we that unpopular that no one knows this place exists" She exclaims throwing her hands in the air. "well whatever. You're here now so show me what you got."

"what?" Yumi asked confused.

"Just because Satoshi recommended you doesn't mean you get a free pass into the dorm." She explains. "I am the caretaker, Daimido Fumio. Aka Fumio, the Madonna of the Polar Star." With an intimidating aura that seems to rival even her. "If you want to live here you must follow the rules of the dorm just like everyone else."

"uh-huh" Yumi is starting to grow tired from standing for so long, it has been a while since she stood for so long and is not in a kitchen.

"Firstly, dorm applicants must make one meal. Only those whose cooking passes will be allowed to reside in the dorm." She explains. "Second," She continues.

'seriously there's more' Yumi mentally complains ' I just want to sleep and wake up from this nightmare.'

"The caretaker will serve as the examiner. Third, the applicant may choose their ingredients."

"Alright, so basically you want me to cook something that you approve," Yumi said massaging the bridge of her nose.

"Yes, so did you bring any ingredients?" Yumi shook her head, no. "well then you lose by default, and are not allowed in the dormitory."

"wait," Yumi took out a bento box. "I made this earlier today when I raided a kitchen somewhere."

Fumio looked at the content suspiciously.

"I get hungry easily," She shrugs.

"I made too much and decided to take the leftover with me. That was supposed to be my 'dinner'' She said looking at the bento in the caretaker's hands regretfully. "I got kicked out, turns out that the kitchen was private and used unauthorized ingredients."

dragging' She used a private kitchen within the academy without permission and only got away with just a slap on the wrist.' she looks at the lunch that was handed to her. 'This girl sure is an oddball.'

"Very well, I'll make an exception this once and give you an option of using our kitchen using any ingredient you want not that there's much left." Fumio made up her mind. "Want will it be? Serve me this, and if you lose you'll never get a second chance. Or cook something using leftovers from our kitchen."

"Nah, it's fine." Yumi waved her hand dismissively. "Just judge the meal in front of you."

"Are you sure?" Fumio asked, quite surprised she didn't choose the latter option.

"Yes, I'm tired after running around all day." She stretched her arms, yawning. "besides I'm too lazy to cook anything right now."

Fumio just gaped at the girl then suddenly started to laugh loudly. Which made Yumi flinch because it sounded more like a crackle made by a witch from some TV show. "You truly have guts made of iron. That's some unrivaled confidence." Fumio comments to which Yumi shrugs. "Runs in the family."

"But honest to a fault." Fumio then pulls up a chair and sat down. "Let's see how much of that confidence you can back up."


"Here is the key to your room, Room 304," Fumio said handing her the keys after passing the tasting trials. "Also, I never got your name." She said suddenly realizing this fact.

Yumi just tilted her head, smiling "Yukihira, You may call me Yukihira Yumi." Turning her back and ran off leaving the dorm's caretaker speechless.

"So that's her... the rumored undefeated champion Yumi Yukihira." Fumio finally spoke, to one in particular. "It seems this dormitory will soon once again return to it's Golden Age." 

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