Part 16

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"Look alive Polar Star, Soma will need all the support he can get," Fumio exclaims to the banner holding team. "He's going up against a Nakiri."

"If you ask me, he's gonna need a lot more than cheering if he wants to defeat someone like her" Yuki comments depressingly. "She did score the highest in Hall B."

"Even without that, just look at the ultra high tech equipment displayed behind her," Megumi said as her face grew paler by the second. "The tension in the audience is so thick I'm gonna faint."

The theme for this match is Bento.

"Well that's an interesting topic" Yumi smiles in amusement. "Oh my, she really fainted."


"Seriously!? No way." Yumi laughed in astonishment. "He really went up on stage and declared that he will take the top? Oh my god... I can't!"

By the time Megumi regains consciousness, she somehow found herself in the waiting room. Yumi thought Megumi might faint again if she found herself in an unknown room, so Yumi volunteered to oversee her wellbeing.

"Must be tough having to hang around him."

"It wasn't that bad..." Megumi stuttered. "I managed to avoid another failing grade that would've ultimately got me expelled..."

"Contes-... Hey, what are you doing here!" One of the executives shouted upon seeing Yumi.

"Tch, damn it." Yumi clicked her tongue and dashed out before she got caught. "See ya in a bit. Break a leg!" She didn't get very far when she turns around and shouts, "Not literally though." Then left to escape into the audience.

The person that just walked in didn't know what to do in that situation and just did what he came here for. "Contestant Tadokoro! Prepare yourself to enter the arena for the second match soon."


"It's delicious!" The judges exclaim.

"The judges' reaction has changed quite a lot from when they were judging Nakiri."

"They look like they have a lot of fun eating..." Daigo comments.

"Hey, guys what did I miss," Yumi asks casually, sliding herself into their midst.

"And you still have the guts to show up late to your brother's match," Fumio replies. "You missed just about everything."

"But don't worry, they haven't declared a winner yet," Yuki assures her dorm mate. "So Miss 'Champion' you're the expert who do you think is gonna win. The tension is killing me."

"How do you expect me to choose when I didn't even watch the match." Yumi rolled her eyes. "It's not like the waiting room has live footage of the arena or anything."

"So did you watch the match, or not?" Ryoko asks.

"Yeah, I watched it. I got pretty bored in there." Yumi sighed.

"Well, I don't know which bento the judges will choose, everyone has their preference." Yumi answers. "And I chose my brother's bento."

"Of course you would choose your brother's side." Yuki laughs. "

"No, it's because I hate chilly food. Reminds me of raw food." Yumi shudders while making a face. "Bento is supposed to be a comfort food made by your loved ones. That is unless you're forever alone or a disgrace to society living in your mother's basement."

"Well, that downhill fast."

"BRING ME A WRITING BRUSH." The Director's voice thundered throughout the arena. He was brought a large brush that's probably a larger size than himself and the paper to match.

With rigorous strokes with his brush, the winner is announced.

"The winner of the first match is Yukihira Soma."

"It wasn't much."


"Congrats," Yumi grumbles.

"Why does your tone sound like 'I want to commit suicide." Soma sweatdropped. "Thanks anyway-"

Before he finished thanking his sister, Yumi tossed a fan over to him. "...sis."

"Yeah save your gratitude, come on join the Polar Star cheerleader squad, Megumi edition," Yumi said, popping open a bottle.

"Is that alcohol?" Soma asks.

"What am I crazy, of course not." Yumi rolled her eyes. "It's milk tea."

"Why?" Souma asks. "Just why."

"Milk tea makes me sleepy, in other words, numbs my mind so I don't feel like an idiot holding that 'megumi idol fan." Yumi starts chugging on the beverage. "Don't tell Yuki I think her flashy uh- 'support' is hell-a gaudy."

"Coming up next... the competitors for the second match will make their entry!"

"Come on, it's starting." Yumi gestures to the audience.

"Contestant Tadokoro Megumi!"

"Megumi! Do your best!" Ryoko cheers.

"Yoshino do we really have to hold these." Shoji asked, covering his face in embarrassment.

"Won't this stuff actually distract her?" Shun points out. "That's a problem right?

"Wow, even Nikumi joined in," Souma laughs.

"It was hard to refuse." Mito blushed.

"I just hope Megumi can win as well," Yuki said holding on to her fans. "She's done her best all this time."

"You're right." Ryoko agrees.

"Alright let's get fired up and cheer for her," Souma exclaims.

"Yeah!" Yuki pumped a fist into the air.

"And her opponent is Kurokiba Ryou!"

"Shun's right there is a problem," Yumi said, slightly drowsy.


"How about trumpets," Yuki suggests rubbing her eyes, clearly not in the right state of mind to be suggesting anything. "Or maybe a tuba."


"How about no." Ryoko shook her head. "Megumi doesn't need any more distractions."

"And the theme for this match is ramen!"


Ramen. A noodle soup formed by these three components: noodles, topping, and soup.

Spread explosively during the post-war reconstruction period of japan. Not only was it cheap and delicious, but also easy to buy thanks to street-side stalls.

But that was in the past. Now ramen has become a Japanese dish exported to the world!

"Such an advanced dish and they were told to think up a recipe in a single night and to present it on such a big stage."

"In other words, this competition tests their flexibility and ability to think on their feet." the Director comments. "Let's see how much they can make use of their strengths for this theme... with the experience, they've gained."

"We'll now bring in the ingredients that were prepared beforehand."


"A scallops soup!"

"Can she even compete with the impact of Kuroikiba's rich soup using that?"

"Why are you guys looking at me. You guys know her better than I do." Yumi frowns. "Oh wait why is everything upside down."

"Sometimes I question why we're related." Souma facepalms.

"But she's right! We should believe in Megumi. Marine products are her home turf." Yuki said. "After all she was born in Port City."

"Fufu. How interesting. To think this would be a "match between people who grew up in Port Cities." A voice crept up behind them.

"Yeah, it's between people who grew up in..." Yuki blinked a few times before turning around. "NAKIRI ALICE!! Why are you here!"

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