Part 18

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"Why in the world would you send me here to train." Yumi took care to yell loudly into the phone. "Are the organizers for this Stagiaire right in the head? Or were their brains burnt to a crisp."

Yumi Yukihira had just barely finished running errands in New York when Isshiki Satoshi the Seventh Seat of the Totsuki student councils Elite Ten, suddenly summoned her back to Japan to participate in the Stagiaire Training camp. And because the Elite Ten is the highest authority within the Totsuki Academy, her Student ID is on the line.

Right now she is publicly ridiculing the restaurant she was assigned to, in front of the paying customers, staff, and manager. "The putrid smell upon walking in is equivalent to exploring the sewers, the food looks like someone had explosive diarrhea then used food coloring to make it appealing. And don't get me started with the actual kitchen."

"Even ramen, one of the most basic dishes to create, looks like worms swimming in a pool made from dead animals. Third seat would not approve." To say the least the owner of the restaurant is quite furious with her right now, or is he red with embarrassment she's too preoccupied with cussing out the place to figure it out. "You know how much I despise rats."

"I thought you were scared of them ever since Rindo tricked you into eating one." Satoshi hums through the phone.

"Don't remind me." Yumi dreads the thought.

"The process of the Stagiaire is supposed to be confidential but since it's you I don't mind telling."

"Well I'm all ears"

"It was voted that you were to be sent to the worst place possible," He confessed. "I voted against it of course, but I'm only a single vote among ten."

"What's the use of you then." Yumi cries tears of blood. With a loud sigh, she storms into the kitchen and shouts to no one in particular. "On the next episode of Gordon Ramsay's 24 Hours to Hell & Back. We'll explore and expose some of the most disgusting places, the kitchen of your local restaurants."

"You're gonna get copyrighted."

"Hell if I care." Yumi rages before shutting the phone and shoving them into her pockets. Then storms into the main hall. "Alright everyone out! This place is closing, chop chop leave. Come back in 2 days. All your bills are covered. Bye, have a nice day." Yumi clapped her hands ushering every customer to leave before they die from food poisoning. "Staff, chefs, manager, and owner stay. I have a bone to pick with you."


"You pass." A lady in a suit and sunglasses appeared in front of her after the final day of the Stagiaire. "The results from the surveys were magnificent. You did an exemplary job."

"Damn straight." Yumi rolled her eyes, blowing a lock of hair out of her face.

"... tomorrow you'll receive a document with the necessary information on your next training place."

"There is a second part?"

"Yes, I wish you the best of luck. See you."


"As a Stagiaire, I did say, 'I won't accept anyone who didn't at least get to the finals of the Autumn Election.' But of all the people... it had to be you Yukihira." Shinomiya Kojirou said.

"I was really surprised too when they sent me here," Soma replies.

"Yes so explain to me why you are here as well," he said pointing at the person behind him.

"how rude," Yumi crossed her arms in contempt. "I was also sent here, got a problem? take it up with the committee."

Despite what she'd said, she also doesn't want to be here. And her expression pretty much sums it up; Like she was forcefully dragged here to stab a small animal.

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