Part 8

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"Is that girl is still cooped up in her room," Aiko asked. She is a third-year at Totsuki, long silky black hair and raven eyes. There isn't really a problem in her character it's just that her personality... is similar to that of a mom.

Isshiki nodded, replaying what happened earlier that day through his head, not paying attention to what he's eating.

"I've even knocked politely, but she didn't even make a  single noise." Fumio frowns as she walked into the dining room. "I would've felt better if she had at least yelled at me to shut up."

"I'm telling you, that girl got problems," Izumi sighs. He is the one that confronted Yumi 3 weeks ago.

"I don't think you should be badmouthing her," Saito spoke up. He's a first-year... and a coward. "What if she heard you, who knows what she would do, considering her reputation- eek."

"Well speak of the devil" Fumio looked towards where Saito is pointing.

With a plate of food in her hand, Yumi walked in and towards the chair farthest away from everyone. The atmosphere was extremely awkward as they watched dumbfoundedly at her as she sits down and started eating.

"At least say something," Izumi exclaims, annoyed at her nonchalant attitude.

She stops to look at the person who interrupted her meal momentarily, without saying anything and went right back to eating. This pissed him off even more. He was about to stand up to go over there and give her a piece of his mind when Isshiki stopped him before another fight could happen.

Isshiki walked over instead and place down a slice of cake next to her plate. "Here eat it you look like you lost a lot of weight."

She gave it a glance before pushing it back, "I don't want it."

Yumi may be stubborn, but Isshiki is just as stubborn as she is. "just accept it."

"I already told you, I didn't come to Totsuki to socialize. I'm not your foe but I am no friend. Just because I live here doesn't mean I am obligated to do anything for you." She snapped.

"I ran out of food so I came out to raid the kitchen. Unfortunately, there wasn't much to take." She said bluntly. Isshiki coughs at her shamelessness. "I decided to join you guys for once because these guys won't let me hear the end of it." She glares at both Fumio and Isshiki. "And after sitting here for a while, it's clear I'm not welcomed here."

"I apologize, Ms. Fumio for not answering you the other day, I was out when you threatened to break my door. But I have a habit of wiretapping my living area for uh.... security purposes." Yumi took her plate and made her way back to her room. "I am sorry for disrupting your meal today, please act as if I wasn't here."

For the rest of the evening, they ate in an uncomfortable silence than to the storm known as Yumi leaving a bad taste in their mouth.

"Just so you know I blame you for this," Aiko grumbles at Izumi.



Basking under the moonlight, Yumi sat gazing at the stars above her. In a daze, she sighs quietly admiring the view and as if listening, the wind responded, gently caressing her face, playing with her face.

"Enjoying the view?"

She jumped in surprise not expecting company, turning to see that Isshiki had also made his way on to the roof. "Please stop doing that it's not good for the heart."

He sat down next to her cause latter to tense up. "Why does that happen every time I come near you?"

She tilts her head feigning ignorance.

"You get all tense, you started doing that after our shokugeki, before that you barely even noticed my existence."

She just averted her eyes, refusing to give him an answer.

"Fine, you do you. I won't pry," He puts his hands up in defeat."But you know it's kinda refreshing to see your timid side in contrast to your normal angsty rebellion side." He teases, as a blush slowly crept up on her. Not sensing the mood of the situation, her stomach decided at that moment to let out a loud growl, causing him to let out a fit of laughter that resounded through the peaceful night.

She had enough of the teasing and decided to run away. Unfortunately, Yumi didn't get very far as Isshiki lifted her bridal style off the floor, carrying her to his room. He sat her down on a floor pillow in front of a mini table. She stayed silent as he placed a simple-looking steak dish in front of her.

"When I saw you this morning I was kind of worried, you looked really pale. I guess you were trying to make that small supply of food last as long as possible." This causes her to blink. "I'd take you silence as a yes."

Yumi was about to rebuke only to have a spoon full of food, shoved into her mouth. She planned to spit it out but her body just didn't feel like listening to her as she chewed and swallowed. The biggest mistake she made that day.

The meat sparked a flash fire that started from the pit of her stomach. That fire soon engulfs her entire body as tears filled her eyes, she bents down clutching her stomach, her breathing turns heavy.

He watched as her face twist in pain, "Hey, are you alright."

"Dont come near me." She slapped his hand away but that only cause her to lose her balance. He immediately caught her before she can fall face first. She continued to resist by pushing him away, using his bed as support to sit up straight.

A sudden realization entered his head and he allowed that thought to sink in.

Yumi grit her teeth as she gave him the coldest glare she could muster, which didn't amount to much. It was evident with the look in his eyes and the confused expression on his face. She knew he figured it out. The reason why she was more tolerant of him than her other peers. And also, the reason why she is so afraid of him.

"I despise you, and you should know why." The look on her face was difficult for Isshiki to watch because he was the cause.

"Go ahead, eat. I won't watch," he said leaving her in his room. "I hold no ill will towards you so relax more."

She wasn't sure how true his words are nor does she believe him. But she shoved those thoughts aside, for she is far too hungry to complain.


"She should be finished by now," he thought, opening the door to his room. Upon entering, the scene before him caught him in a way he didn't expect.

He sat on the edge of the bed making it sink under his weight. He watched her sleep peacefully on his sleep. A soft smile rest of face, framed by her red hair that s spread across the pillow. Her arms, one by her side while the other rests on her chest that rises and falls steadily. He smiled enjoying the view, slowly covering her with a blanket.

The next morning she woke up, finding herself embrace by two arms. She dragged her eyes across the room but she felt so comfortable that she couldn't bring herself to try too hard.

It took her a while to realize that this isn't her room. When it finally hit her she jolted awake. Her sudden movement caused him to wake from his sleep.

Not wanting to cause a scene and alert the entire Polar Star, she reframed herself from screaming by covering her own mouth. Too embarrassed to face Isshiki, she quickly scrambles out of his room before he could say anything to her.

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