Part 29.5

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"Satoshi!" Yumi shouts, chasing after him. She cursed internally. This crazy bastard. 

As someone who hasn't stepped out of her room or the dorm's kitchen, touching grass is the last thing she wants to do, much less running around on zero stamina at top speed, uphill in the middle of nowhere.

"Wait." she gasps, resting her hands on her knees, catching her breath. It's times like these where she's glad she decided to wear casuals instead of her usual uniform. Just a simple t-shirt and shorts. But damn is it hot!

"Are you okay?" He asked, gently pressing a cold bottle of water to her face.

She flinched at the sudden freeze before muttering, "I'm not." She grabs the water and rehydrates herself.

"Hang in there," Satoshi encourages. "We're almost at our destination." He held her hand and pulled her along, guiding her the rest of the way.

"How are you not dying?" She grumbles after him. Today was one of those rare times where Yumi is allowed to lay eyes on her boyfriend when he isn't wearing a Totsuki uniform or... an apron. She snuck a glance at his half button blazers, her eyes glossed over his exposed collarbone, and his flawless skin glistened with sweat. "So not fair," she grumbles.

"Hm?" He turned around and smirks knowingly.

Yumi quickly averted her eyes and changed the subject. "After dragging me halfway across the hemisphere. I deserve to know where we are going."

"It's a surprise." He laughed, "we already came this far, you should be glad I didn't make you wear a blindfold."

"If I was blindfolded I would've made you carry me."

"You know, that's not a bad idea." He responds suggestively.

Yumi's eyes widened, "Don't you dare."

"I'm just kidding." He laughs. "Oh, we're here."

She stopped in her tracks, they were on top of a hill, high enough to feel the wind against her neck. "What's so important that you wanted to show me?" She looked at him like he just committed a crime.

"Look down." Satoshi rolls his eyes playfully. She looked in the direction where he's pointing, her eyes lit up by the scenery.

Enclosed within rows of trees, a painted sky decorated by puffs of clouds and at the center a field dotted by yellow.

"A dandelion field?" She said in wonder.

"Happy birthday." He said, reaching over to hold her hands."Yumi."

"My birthday?" She was stunned. When was the last time she celebrated this day back at home with her twin, she completely forgot it was today.

Her face flushed red, as she watched him gently hold their intertwined hand, playfully fondling each digit. "But it's November and... is that why we are in Singapore?" She looked around at the field that's vibrant with color. "How did you even find this?"

"That's a secret," He replies with a smirk. She blushed even more, averting her gaze to look anywhere else that isn't her boyfriend's face. His face should be a crime.

"It must be great being a member of the Elite Ten," Yumi grumbles under her breath.

Satoshi laughs at her words before gently guiding her down the hill to where a blanket is neatly placed with a large basket sitting in the center.

"Did this just appear out of thin air?" Yumi asks with a frown, as she did not recall seeing a bright red and white checkered-pattern picnic setup from atop the hill.

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