Part 11

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3 months past quickly, and rumors are slowly starting to settle down, as there is nothing new to add to the now extremely exaggerated tale that will almost guarantee to be turned into another legend in the school. Gossipers need new materials after all.

But all with that clout is still in the air, her presence catches lots of wandering eyes. And her appearance doesn't help her in the slightest blending in with her classmates. Aside from her naturally flaming red hair and black tips are neatly tied back with various white hair accessories, she sports her trademark black uniform making her look like an outcast rebel.

Other than classes she would spend most of her time at the library, having her nose glued to accordion-like reference books. Always losing track of time, only to head back to the dorm and waste time complaining to Isshiki that there aren't enough hours in a day.

"hey, the library is closing" The librarian informs her, hands on her hips. "Please keep track of the time Yumi."

"Sorry, Ms.- uh" Yumi was never really good with names, everyone sort of looks the same to her.

"Saiko, it's Saiko-Sensei."

"Yeah, that." Yumi dismissively waved then picked up all the on her table and shoved them into the librarian's hands.

"You want to borrow all of these?" Ms. Saiko gaped at the absurd number of books that were forced into her hands.

"Of course not, are you crazy?" Yumi rolled her eyes. "I have no use for books I've already finished reading. They can go back to being decorations on the shelf until someone decides, oh look a book about the fundamentals of wheat then realize that everything has to be gluten-free these days to be relevant then do everyone a favor and toss it in the trash bin, where it belongs."

"And you called me crazy,"

"I'm just too lazy to but the books back. But that's your job, so..." Yumi said then quickly ran out of the library in a typical dine and dash fashion leaving the poor librarian to shout at her to at least remember her teacher's names.


"Not interested," Yumi immediately shot down the challenge of a shokugeki without even hesitating.

"And after going out of my way to bring you the challenge on a pedestal. You still have the nerve to a shokugeki down from me?" A female student demands after making a scene in her kitchen.

It is extremely hard to ignore a fly especially one that is constantly in one's face and an annoyingly high pitch voice to go with. So Yumi did what anyone would do; smack the pest... Well, at least that's what would've happened if she wasn't in her personal kitchen trying to perfect her baking skills.

"You should be honored to battle me Iori, Umesaka Iori. The 8th Seat of the Elite Ten."

Yumi was already pissed at this girl for disturbing her evening with the pesky noise buzzing about in her usually 'quiet' kitchen. So her next logical option was to shoo the insect away. "A member of the Elite Ten? You?" Yumi glanced at her from top to bottom completely unimpressed.

'Oh right. I defeated the previous 8th Seat, they probably replaced that person with this one. Not much of an improvement if you ask me' Yumi sighed as she thought to herself, then went back to whisking her batter. 'As much as I want to flaunt that fact, I rather not stoop to her level. But it will be so satisfying to just rub it in her face.'

"No thank you, come back when you obtain the 1st Seat then I'll think about it," Yumi said gesturing towards the door.

"Hah! If I obtained the First Seat then I wouldn't need to bother with the likes of you." Iori sticks her nose up arrogantly.

Yumi frowns. 'With the likes of me? Lady, that seat was practically given to you by me.'

"Good, I dont wish to be bothered by you," Yumi shrugged. "You are loud and annoying, both of these qualities are useless in the kitchen. Especially my kitchen so please leave." Before I make you.

Iori raged with anger as she storms out knocking and shoving all the silverware on to the floor. After she was out of sight, Yumi set down the bowl of mixed batter and let out a loud groan.

"Does she have to make such a mess."


Next Day


A familiar voice rang through the classroom halls. Upon hearing her name she looked up to search the owner of the voice. "Oh hey, what's up Aiko- Woah!"

"There you are I found you, this way quick!" Aiko didn't exactly leave much choice for Yumi as she seizes the other's hands and dragged her halfway across the campus through the crowded hallways and to the nearest notice board.

'I challenge the entire student body to a shokugeki'
-Yumi Yukihira

"What the hell."


"You didn't... This- you didn't do this right?" Aiko asked her junior with tears in the corner of eyes, confronting Yumi in the dorm's dining room. The notice from the School Board in her hands.

Shortly after seeing the posts, Iori Umesaka appeared from the crowd. "What an arrogant person, initiating this kind of challenge. If it was one or two classmates, even a member of the Elite Ten would be fine. There may be no rules when it comes to shokugeki if it's mutual but doing something like this? Tsk Tsk." She raised her voice quite high, purposely trying to gain as much attention to this. "Don't you know everyone in this school has there own responsibility. And to initiate an official cooking duel takes lots of preparation and the approval of the board not to mention troubling the Totsuki Academy's Staff to Judge and validate the duel."

'These arrogant Elite Ten sure do love holding their grudges. Not only did she place the blame on me she also turned the audience against me. Alright since it has come to this let's make it a good show.' Yumi coldly glares at the culprit of all this. "Just try and play the innocent bystander, you scheming snake.'

Being the prideful person she is, Yumi refuses to be humiliated in front of a crowd by denying the accusations. No one will take her word over an Elite Ten, no matter the truth. Besides what's done is done. And so she calmly went with the flow.

"Of course I didn't do that. As if I had the time to do all that paperwork just to get something as useless as a shokugeki officialized. Hmph." Yumi grumbles. "I would use that time to be more productive. Like ways to make peanut butter taste good with raw eggs"

"First of all that's disgusting, say sorry to the ingredients," Aiko said pulling a face. "and why didn't you just deny the accusation."

"Her pride is her biggest enemy," Isshiki spoke while patting her head, which Yumi swats away.

After hearing that Yumi doesn't know whether she should laugh or cry. "I accepted because that 8th Seat doesn't deserve her spot. The moment she got it she did something like this."

Isshiki shook his head, "She didn't deny it?"

"You! shut up!" Yumi glares at him.

"But you still have to battle the rest of the student body," Izumi said.

"Well, I don't believe that many people are stupid enough to accept my challenge anyway. And even if they do, this is a good way to clean out the rest of the students who don't deserve to be here," Yumi shrugged. "as well as leave me in peace for once. Though I don't think that'll ever happen."

"That Iori girl said she'll handle everything so I dont need to worry about that." Yumi got up from her chair. "Guess I'll start sharpening my knives since this event is soon I need to prepare."

"Is she gonna be alright?" Aiko asked after Yumi left the dining hall.

"She should be fine," Isshiki replies. "... Probably."

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