Part 19

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"You two did well with the interior design," Shinomiya said. "From tomorrow on, we're beginning the pre-opening for Shino's Tokyo."

"Pre-opening?" Soma asks.

"The pre-opening is a sort of test run for a restaurant." Gao Wei explains. "We mostly invite people we know."

"Soma! For the time being, you'll be helping me." Lucie said. "Once you're used to it, you might also help Abel."

"Alright, I'll do my best," He replies.

"Then what will I be doing?" Yumi asks.

"You're helping me with the service." Gao Wei answers with a smile.

"Geh," Yumi made a face upon hearing her tasks.

"Got a problem?" Shinomiya asked.

"No," Yumi mutters, averting her eyes. "Not really."

"You never really like interacting with the customers," Soma said remembering their childhood.

Yumi was never the type to socialize even with the regulars back at the diner. She hates talking to customers and prefers staying in the kitchen or burying herself under recipe books. However, when they are short on hands and they have no other choice, Yumi is surprisingly very... professional.

"Customers can be quite rude sometimes," Yumi grumbles. "Just the idea of serving certain people irks me." She then looked over to Gao Wei, "Um no offense."

"None taken." She politely shook her head.

"We say it's a test-run, but various journalists will be coming on the last day. This is my restaurant we're talking about, people will have high expectations." Shinomiya warns. "If we make a mistake the rumors will spread in no time."

"We must make this a success."

"And while the pre-opening period serves to check the coordination between the staff members, it also serves to try out the new dishes we'll serve at Shino's Tokyo." Gao Wei added. "We'll change the menu every day depending on the reactions we get from our customers. We're also having a new dish competition among the staff on the final day of the pre-opening period."

"Can I participate in that competition too?" Soma asked in interest.

"Of course." Shinomiya nods. "It's only natural to consider the opinions of talented people, no matter their position."

'Good if my dish is adapted into the menu, it'll count as a visible result.' Soma thought to himself. 'It's also the perfect chance for me to learn completely new techniques.'

"Man this is bad," Yumi said glaring at the documents given to her by the Totsuki Committee. "I'm so lost..."


The next day

"... that cook coat looks unexpectedly normal on you." Chef Shinomiya comments on Soma's appearance.

"Then you must be blind," Yumi said with a blank expression as she fixes her hair.

"Hey I don't look that bad," Soma said. "At least I don't have to wear a bowtie."

"Ugh don't remind me," Yumi said readjusting the tie that's strangling her neck. "I think I might die in this thing."

"Are you making fun of my uniform choices?" Shinomiya asked.

"That's exactly what I'm doing," She glares at him. "Oh, the customers are here. Go greet them."


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