Part 5

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"what?!?!" she stuttered like crazy and very surprised. "What are you doing here? And how did you know where I live?"

"I took the liberty of looking through your files." He said bluntly.


"actually I just asked around and turns out you've got quite the fan-base," he admits.

"Okay? That's unsettling, not sure how I feel about people secretly stalking me," Shuddering at the very thought.

"So are you going to let me in or make me stand out here all day," Isshiki spoke up.

"Oh, uh... may as well. Come in, I'll go make some tea," She left the door open allowing him to come in, while she heads into the kitchen to boil some water.

'What a carefree girl' He thought to himself.

"so what did you come here for?" She sets down a cup in front of her guest. "I know you didn't come for the heck of it."

"and why do you think that?" he took a sip of the freshly brewed tea. "I might be here for a simple chat."

"I don't chat," She coldly says. "You're the first one I let inside this apartment."

"Is that so?"He looks around her living quarters. It's incredibly barren, there are used notebooks and worn out cookbooks lying everywhere except for the empty bookshelf. They are the only proof this place is being used. The only furniture is a sofa, a wooden chair across from it with a coffee table in between. There are no other decorations, the walls are blank and the bookcases are collecting dust. This place is pretty lonely to live in.

"Well you're right I didn't come here for a casual talk." He set aside the cup half drunken. "I came to discuss your end of our deal."

She stiffened at the mention of their deal. She had completely forgotten. There was no set boundaries nor rules to the request. He can virtually ask her anything, and she can't refuse it.

She would be lying if she said she wasn't afraid. Nervously chewing the inside of her cheeks as she waited for her fate.

He watched the person in front of him clench her fist, resting them on her lap preventing herself from trembling. Her eyes were restless avoiding eye contact at all cost. He thought it was enlightening, seeing this side of her.

"Join the Polar Star Dorm." He finally said.

"what" she could've sworn her ears wasn't working right. "that's your request?"

He smirked "what did you think I would ask of you"

She blushed slightly from his teasing but quickly recovered her poker face. "No, I was just surprised."

She started fidgeting in her chair, "out of everything you could've requested, I thought you would've..."

He chuckled softly causing Yumi to shift more uncomfortably in her seat. He stood and walked towards her, she instinctively shuts her eyes in fear only to feel light pats o her head making her inwardly gape at him.

"Relax I won't do anything to you, I'm not that kind of person," He said gently.

She sat there not sure what to how to react to the situation, as soon as she was able to think straight again, Isshiki was letting himself out of her place. He glanced back and gave her a bright smile. "thanks for the tea, and see you at the dorm."

She sat there unmoving, in a daze processing what happened that afternoon. She couldn't even get a wink of sleep. As soon as the sun peeked through her window she got really pissed.

"who does he think he is patting my head like I'm a child, I'll show him," She yelled throwing her chair out the window almost killing a poor pedestrian, minding his own business not expecting to get a glimpse of the River Styx.

But she has to admit her senpai is quite scary, the result of their first and only match was etched into her memory. She has lost plenty of times before to her twin brother and her father who's lived at least twice her lifetime. This was different, the dish he made during their match made her shake, she felt her entire body tremble and her mind blanked for a few. That very thought scared her relentlessly. If he wants something from her, he can easily coax her with his cooking, if he ever gets ahold of this fact...

Her breathing starts getting irregular and soon she collapsed onto the floor, hyperventilating. 'If this keeps up, it will greatly affect my health.' She quickly shook the thought away not wanting to think about her greatest fear.

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