Champagne chutes and shortcake

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A/N: incase y'all wanna see what inspired this whole chapter lol here's the video <3
ok update you can't embed links?? That's so sad uhm, if you look at @/articsp on Instagram there's an animation that was the inspo. sorry I couldn't put it here (^)


I felt my heart skip a beat as it raced with my mind. What did he mean by that? Had I just imagined it?

My mind quickly returned to the current affairs.

The owl let go of my hands, moving his to my waist. I felt myself growing hotter, to a point of anxious sweating, and flushing a bright red.

He swept me off my feet, turning my body through the air and into a low dip. I clung to his wrist with one hand and his shoulder with the other, very afraid of falling in front of everyone around us.

The owl gave me a reassuring smile before returning me to my feet. He paused slightly, before following the music and setting us off once again.

We glided through the air over the shiny floor.

More eyes began to turn on us as Bokuto clasped his hand into mine, lifting it high above our heads. It guided us round and round.
People moved back, holding their champagne chutes and lovers hands, creating a large circle for us to move around.

His tie flew behind from the speed we'd picked up. Continuing to turn in circles, my feet seemed to follow his as if they knew what to do, and exactly when to do it.

We circled back towards the center as the song drew to a close.
Ending, Bokuto took my hand in his once again, raising it high above. A loud cheer and applause from the audience sent a deeper flush to my face. He turned to me and laughed, out of breath.

People quickly returned to the floor, mixing us back into the crowd.
Bokuto laughed, his big eyes squinting at the corners.

"Wow that was fun! I haven't danced in ages, Agaashee!" He exaggerated my name a different way this time.

I didn't know what to question first.

"Where did you learn to do that? And what did you mean 'butterfly on the hill'?"

"Let's get a drink!" He took my wrist but I forced myself out his hold.
"I don't drink. Tell me what you meant."

"Let's go to the balcony. It's loud in here."


It was pitch black out, the only light coming from the fluorescent on the overhang. The moon was set high in the sky with stars dotted throughout.

"I grew up in the slums too. In fact I'd seen you many times. You fascinated me, always in your head, never even realizing I was there. But I was there. That day with the yellow butterfly, I saw it too.
Then when my job was to kill you, I knew I couldn't. I fired shots to seem as though you'd been taken out, but I-"

I interrupted,
"You would risk your job just to keep me alive, why?"

"Because I got addicted to the game of you. A game I lost over and over. I tried time after time to introduce myself, but you seemed to ignore me, or maybe not ever notice."
Bokuto leaned on the railing and let his head drop to look at the scene below.

"I- I didn't even know you lived by me. How did I not know?"

"Like I said, you were in a different world from me." He turned back to face me where I lingered by the door. Smiling, as though he was no longer bothered by it.

I didn't know what to say.
"I'm...sorry, Bokuto." My apologies never sounded sincere.

"Don't be, Agaashi! I've gotten to know you here, haven't I?" His grin widened.

"I should go." So many things were going through my head.

I pushed through the door, and jogged down the halls, past the buzzing noises of the party, to my room.

I locked the door behind me, and loosed my bow tie, running into the bathroom, and clinging to the white sink. I looked up into the mirror. What is this feeling? Guilt? Fear? Or something else?

Whatever it was sent nauseous waves through my body. I couldn't decide if it was a good or bad feeling.
All I hoped was for Tendou to knock on the door. I checked the time, just past midnight. Even on a normal day he wouldn't be back by now.

Unknowing of what to do, I tried to sleep. I lied in bed for hours, until it was just past 2am. 

I heard the familiar click of the heavy door unlocking.

"Akaashi?" A voice whispered.

"Yes." I replied, full volume.

"I figured you'd still be up. Wanna see that little performance you did? I filmed it all."

"Tendou, I feel off."

"Heh? Did you drink?"

"No, did you?"

"A little, but what do you mean? Was it the strawberry shortcake, because I'm doomed if it was. Ushijima kept feeding it to me in between songs."

He flicked on the bright light and it took a second for my eyes to adjust.

"No, it wasn't the food. I didn't eat either. Wait, what do you mean Ushijima fed it to you?"

"Oh,, heh, uh did I say that?" He fiddled with a match.

"Yes, you did."

"Oh, funny...But back to you. What did you mean about feeling off or whatever?" He leaned against the doorframe, continuing with the match whilst glancing up at me every so often.

"I'm not sure. Just a few days ago, It would have brought me peace of mind to see Bokuto die, as that meant I wouldn't have to deal with him. Or have him as a partner. But now, it's like that feeling flipped."

"You just called him by his real name!"


"You didn't call him 'the owl'!"

Hadn't I?

"Nope, you didn't!" He looked all too happy about that.

"Whatever, just... help me." God I sounded pitiful.

"Hold on, hold on, I need to record this. The Mr. No Emotions is asking me for help." He pulled out his phone.

"I'm not repeating myself."

"Fine, fine. But if you want my advice, I'd say you like him a bit more than a friend."

"But I don't even think of him as a friend." I continued.

"Mmm I think you might." Tendou said it in an almost singsong tone.

"Ughhhh!" I felt so frustrated.

"Just talk to him." He said it as if it were obvious I should do that.

Talk to him? I guess it was worth a try.

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